[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the sanitary condition of water quality in tunnel and provide evidence for water source protection. Methods: according to the basic methods of water sanitation investigation and reconnaissance, 28 potholes were sampled, detected and evaluated according to GB 575-85 GB 574,985 and the whole army grading standard. Results: most of the water sources in the tunnel were groundwater, the quantity of water was sufficient, 92.9% of the water sources were in good sanitary condition, and 71.4% of the water sources had good sensory properties. Iron, fluorine, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, total bacterial count and total coliform were more serious than the standard, but lack of cleaning and disinfection facilities. Conclusion: the comprehensive evaluation of water quality of 28 tunnel water sources is basically usable, and some water sources that exceed the standard must be properly treated before they can be used as drinking water sources in the army.
【作者单位】: 96615部队 96615部队 96615部队 96615部队 96615部队
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