[Abstract]:Aim: to measure and evaluate the strength quality of soldiers and cadets in a certain part of the armed police, so as to provide the basic data for guiding the training of the strength quality of the army. Methods: (1) according to the method and standard stipulated by military standard, 770 soldiers in a certain part of the armed police were tested and evaluated, such as grip strength, back muscle strength, pull-up and push-up. (2) the comprehensive score of strength and quality was calculated to compare the differences among the three units in the sample. Results: (1) the right hand grip strength of a soldier and cadet was (42.37 卤6.03) kg,), (132.96 卤22.96) kg,), (10.45 卤4.20) times. Push-ups were (46. 91 卤14. 90) times min-. Overall evaluation of dorsal muscle strength and push-ups were good, right-hand grip strength and pull-up medium. (2) there was no significant difference between the two units (F = 0.245, P 0.05) in the comparison of the "comprehensive score of strength and quality" among the three units in the sample (F = 0.245, P < 0.05). Conclusion: the strength quality of students in a certain department of armed police is not bad in general, but the two indexes of grip strength and pull-up are weak, so scientific training should be strengthened pertinently.
【作者单位】: 武警医学院 武警医学院 武警医学院 武警医学院 武警医学院 武警医学院
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