发布时间:2019-03-02 11:56
【摘要】:为了解现阶段我国应征青年的体格发育状况和时代变迁 ,采用整群抽样法 ,收集 2 0 0 1年全国 31个省 (市、自治区 )、1 0 0个抽样点 730 0 0名应征男青年体检资料 ,对身高、体重、胸围和体块指数 (BMI)进行了统计分析。结果显示 ,东北、华北地区平均身高最高(分别为 1 70 3、1 70 6cm)、体重最重 (分别为 6 0 4、6 1 6kg)、胸围最宽 (分别为 83 4、84 6cm)、BMI最大 (分别为 2 0 8、2 1 5kg/m2 )。与 1 95 5和 1 974年度资料相比 ,全国平均身高分别增加了 6 6、4 1cm ,平均体重分别增加了 5 6、3 5kg,胸围的增长幅度较小。 1 95 5、1 974和 2 0 0 1年度的全国BMI平均值分别为 2 0 3、2 0 1、1 9 8kg/m2 。西南、西北地区体重增加最少 ,胸围、BMI为负增长。提示我国应征青年的体形存在明显地域差别 ,个别地区胸围和BMI的负增长应引起足够的重视
[Abstract]:In order to understand the physical development and age changes of young people in China at the present stage, a cluster sampling method was adopted to collect 31 provinces (cities, autonomous regions) in China in 2001. A statistical analysis of height, weight, chest circumference and body mass index (BMI) was carried out in 73000 young men at 1 000 sampling points. The results showed that the average height (1 703,170 6cm), weight (604,61 6kg), chest circumference (834, 84 6cm), BMI, respectively) were the highest (1.703,1.70 6cm), BMI), the heaviest (604,6.1 6kg) and the widest (83.4 and 84 6cm), BMI, respectively) in Northeast China and North China (208,2.1 5kg/m2, respectively). Compared with the data of 1995 5 and 1997 74, the average height of the whole country increased by 66, 4 1cm, and the average weight increased by 56 and 3.5 kg, respectively. The range of increase of chest circumference was relatively small. The average national BMI of 1955, 1974 and 2001 were 203, 201, and 19 8kg/m2, respectively. Southwest and northwest areas of the least weight gain, chest circumference, BMI is negative growth. It is suggested that there are obvious regional differences in the body shape of the young candidates in China, and the negative growth of chest circumference and BMI in some areas should be paid more attention to.
【作者单位】: 第四军医大学统计教研室 总后勤部卫生部 总参谋部动员部 总后勤部卫生部 总参谋部动员部 第四军医大学统计教研室
【基金】:全军医学科研“九五”计划重点项目资助课题 (编号 2 0 0 0Z0 99)
[Abstract]:In order to understand the physical development and age changes of young people in China at the present stage, a cluster sampling method was adopted to collect 31 provinces (cities, autonomous regions) in China in 2001. A statistical analysis of height, weight, chest circumference and body mass index (BMI) was carried out in 73000 young men at 1 000 sampling points. The results showed that the average height (1 703,170 6cm), weight (604,61 6kg), chest circumference (834, 84 6cm), BMI, respectively) were the highest (1.703,1.70 6cm), BMI), the heaviest (604,6.1 6kg) and the widest (83.4 and 84 6cm), BMI, respectively) in Northeast China and North China (208,2.1 5kg/m2, respectively). Compared with the data of 1995 5 and 1997 74, the average height of the whole country increased by 66, 4 1cm, and the average weight increased by 56 and 3.5 kg, respectively. The range of increase of chest circumference was relatively small. The average national BMI of 1955, 1974 and 2001 were 203, 201, and 19 8kg/m2, respectively. Southwest and northwest areas of the least weight gain, chest circumference, BMI is negative growth. It is suggested that there are obvious regional differences in the body shape of the young candidates in China, and the negative growth of chest circumference and BMI in some areas should be paid more attention to.
【作者单位】: 第四军医大学统计教研室 总后勤部卫生部 总参谋部动员部 总后勤部卫生部 总参谋部动员部 第四军医大学统计教研室
【基金】:全军医学科研“九五”计划重点项目资助课题 (编号 2 0 0 0Z0 99)
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