[Abstract]:Objective: to complete the task of health and epidemic prevention and security during the large-scale conference with high standard and high quality. Methods: leaders should pay attention to education, strengthen education, supervise according to law, implement the system, combine on-site inspection and laboratory testing, and accumulate and summarize the experience of epidemic prevention and security in large-scale conferences. Results: the following four methods and experiences were summarized: (1) paying attention to thought and close coordination was the premise of doing well the conference health and epidemic prevention guarantee; (2) making the plan and careful preparation was the basis of doing well the conference health and epidemic prevention guarantee; (3) supervising according to law and implementing the system were the key to do well the conference health and epidemic protection; (4) combined with reality, continuous innovation is the main way to do a good job in conference health and epidemic prevention. Through these methods, the qualified rate of diet and drinking water test was increased from 64.4% to 97.8%, the qualified rate of environmental test was increased from 83. 3% to 100%, and the health behavior culture rate of all kinds of service personnel was increased from 75% to more than 95%. There was no case of food poisoning and food-borne disease, and the task of health and epidemic prevention and protection of the meeting was successfully completed. Conclusion: these methods have good reference value for the health and epidemic prevention of major tasks in the future.
【作者单位】: 66393部队后勤部卫生处 66393部队后勤部卫生处 66393部队后勤部卫生处 66393部队后勤部卫生处 66393部队后勤部卫生处
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