[Abstract]:Background and objective esophagus cancer is the sixth main cause of cancer death in the world. In China, [1]. is especially common, however, compared with the western countries and Japan, we are far behind the times. Compared to the other gastrointestinal malignancies, the least contribution of the A-level evidence, [2-3]., presents a high level of early lymph node and distant organ metastasis. Malignant. Locally advanced or widely metastatic carcinoma of the esophagus, due to its severe invasion of the peripheral organs, is progressing rapidly and the patient is poor in nutritional status due to the difficulty of eating. The poor prognosis of the patients leads to poor prognosis, [4-5]. related literature shows that the 5 year survival rate of esophageal cancer patients is only 5%-30%[5].. Esophagectomy has been used in early and local esophageal cancer treatment. There is a key role, but for elderly patients, the use of esophagectomy is increasingly reduced by [6-8], because most patients are late at the time of diagnosis and lose the best chance of operation, [9]. has completed the past 10 to 15 years of clinical trials showing that there are some patients with advanced esophageal cancer besides surgical excision. [10-11]. chemotherapy is very important for patients with esophageal cancer. Generally speaking, fluorouracil combined with platinum is considered as a standard first-line chemotherapy regimen for advanced esophageal cancer, with a response rate of up to 25%-45%[12-16], but the median survival time is less than one year [17-19]., but most of the patients are in the standard line. There is a rapid metastasis or recurrence after treatment, followed by a second line chemotherapy [20-22], but the study has found that second line chemotherapy is far less effective than first-line chemotherapy. How can we extend the time for disease progression after first-line chemotherapy? For patients who benefit from chemotherapy, follow-up treatment has been "wait-and-see" in the past, but in recent years, Using the successful treatment model [9] for hematological tumors, the application of high efficient, low toxic single drug as a maintenance therapy for solid tumors has been applied to advanced ovarian cancer, advanced colorectal cancer, advanced non-small cell lung cancer, advanced gastric cancer, and pancreatic cancer. The results indicate that maintenance treatment can not survive and even achieve survival benefit. [23-24]. but current treatment for esophageal cancer is less reported. Capecitabine is an oral fluorouracil drug [25-27]. Related trials suggest that capecitabine maintenance therapy prolongs the progression free survival of patients with advanced esophageal cancer and the total survival time [28]. teggio (S-1) is an oral compound fluorouracil derivative, the earliest S-1 is a mixture of tegafon, pyrimidine and oretirase, the mole ratio is 1:0.4:1[29-31]. tegafur, an oral 5-FU precursor drug; gimilacil is a two hydrogen pyrimidine dehydrogenase inhibitor, which can enhance the effect of 5-FU; thus, oretiari potassium can reduce the gastrointestinal toxicity of 5-FU. Therefore, from the whole, from the whole The combination of [34-36].S-1 and cisplatin, such as head and neck cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer, has been widely used in various cancers, such as head and neck cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer, and the combined chemotherapy of [34-36].S-1 and cisplatin, such as head and neck cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer, has been established as the standard chemotherapy for gastric cancer, [37-39].S-1 is used in the pancreas for the use of S-1. The maintenance treatment of digestive tract tumors such as adenocarcinoma, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer is also reported in Chinese and foreign periodicals. [40-41]. is based on the above facts. We have reason to think that S-1 is a potential maintenance therapy for patients with esophageal cancer. This study is based on the application of S-1 maintenance therapy to 66 patients with advanced esophageal cancer in 2012.01 to 2015.12. The clinical efficacy and adverse reactions of S-1 maintenance treatment were analyzed retrospectively. 66 patients with advanced esophageal cancer confirmed by pathology from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2015 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University were treated with cisplatin combined with fluorouracil. After line chemotherapy for 4~6 cycles, the curative effect was evaluated as complete remission, partial remission or disease stability, of which 31 cases continued to accept S-1 single drug oral maintenance therapy until disease progression or intolerance (S-1 maintenance treatment group), and the other 35 cases received optimal support treatment (control group). The survival period, the total life period and the adverse reaction. All the statistical methods were analyzed by SPSS17.0 statistics software. The classification data were tested by chi 2, and the survival analysis using the Kaplan-Meier method.P0.05 was statistically significant. Results the objective response rate of the 1.S-1 maintenance group was 22.6%, which was better than the control group of 3.9% (P0.05).2.S-1 maintenance. The rate of disease control in the treatment group was 38.7%, although it was higher than 22.9% in the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant (P0.05) the median progression free survival of the.3.S-1 maintenance group was 17 months, and the major side effects of the 10 months (P0.05) group of the control group were nausea, vomiting, anemia, leukocyte reduction and hand foot syndrome. After treatment, there was no treatment related death cases. Conclusion after first-line treatment, continuing the treatment of advanced esophageal cancer with monotherapy, can improve the short-term efficiency, prolong the median progression free survival and tolerable adverse effects.
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