[Abstract]:[Objective] Prostate Cancer (PCa) is one of the common malignant tumors in the Department of urology. The traditional two dimensional (2-Dimentional, 2D) laparoscopy has been used to treat the radical operation of PCa. In recent years, with the application of the three-dimensional (3-Dimentional, 3D) imaging technology in the laparoscopic operation, the development and the advantages of the laparoscopic operation are increasing. The more radical resection of the prostate (Radical Prostatectomy, RP) was assisted by 3D laparoscopy. The clinical value and safety of the 3D laparoscopic RP were evaluated by comparison with the clinical data of the traditional 2D laparoscopic RP. [Methods] a retrospective analysis of the Department of Urology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University from January 2015 to January 2016, was reviewed. The clinical data of 45 patients with PCa underwent laparoscopic RP, including 20 cases in the 3D laparoscopy group and 25 cases in the traditional 2D laparoscopy group. All the patients were confirmed by the pathological results of the ultrasound prostate biopsy before the operation. The general demographic information of the patients was compared to the general demographic information of the patients. Serum prostate specific antigen (Prostate Specific Antigen, PSA), operation time, intraoperative bleeding, postoperative drainage time, recovery time of gastrointestinal peristalsis, postoperative hospital days, postoperative complications, postoperative pathological results, total hospitalization expenses, postoperative related treatment, postoperative follow-up 3 months of urine control and biochemical changes of PSA, and through a questionnaire review The working load of the operator, the difficulty of technical operation, the clarity of the picture and the visual comfort and the working load of the nursing staff were evaluated by the method of SPSS 19. The statistical analysis was carried out by the software of the 19 software, the comparison of the data was compared with the independent sample t test, and the comparison of the count data was tested by the x2 test according to the characteristics of the data. Or Fisher accurate probability calculation, with P0.05 difference statistically significant. [results] the age, weight and other general demographic information of the two groups were not statistically significant (P0.05). All 45 cases were successfully implemented under general anesthesia, and the average operation time of the.3D group was 218.25 + 20.47min, and 2D group was flat. The average operation time was 254.20 + 40.25min, and there was significant difference between the two groups (P=0.080). The two groups had no blood transfusion during the operation, the average estimated bleeding amount in group 3D was 130 + 57.12mL, and the mean intraoperative bleeding amount in 2D group was 194 + 119.30mL. The mean intraoperative bleeding volume in group 3D was less than that of the 2D group, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.041).3D group operation. The postoperative drainage time was 7.20 + 2.14 days, and the postoperative drainage time was 9.92 + 3.11 days shorter than the 2D group. The difference had significant statistical significance (P=0.028). There were no obvious complications in the two groups. Some of the patients had anastomotic leakage and lymphatic leakage, of which there was no anastomotic leakage (0%) in group 3D, 1 cases of lymphatic leakage (5%), and 1 cases in group 2D. Leakage (4%), 4 cases of lymphatic leakage (16%), the difference was not statistically significant (P0.05). Compared with the postoperative pathological results of the two groups, the positive rate of cutting edge (15%vs.20%) and Gleason score (7.12 + 1.18 vs.7.44 + 0.92) were not significantly different (P0.05). The follow-up study showed that the satisfactory rate of urinary control in group 3D patients was significantly higher than that of the 2D group (85%vs.56%1 P) at 3 months after operation (85%vs.56%1 P) =0.037). The average total hospitalization cost of patients in group 3D was 57217.91 + 7593.28 yuan, and the average total hospitalization cost in group 2D was 58829.73 + 11089.31 yuan, without significant statistical difference (P=0.701). For the operators, the operating load of 3D laparoscope was lighter (3.55 + 0.52 vs.4.09 + 0.54) than that of 2D (3.55 + 0.52 vs.4.09 + 0.54), and the difficulty of operation was lower (3.36 0.50 vs.4.18 + 0.40), the picture clarity was higher (4.64 + 0.50 vs.3.73 + 0.47), while the difference of visual comfort was not obvious (3.91 + 0.70 vs.3.55 + 0.52), and there was no significant difference between the working load of 3D laparoscopy and 2D laparoscopy (3 + 1.20 vs.3.13 + 0.83). [conclusion]3D laparoscopy was compared with traditional 2D laparoscopy, in RP It has short operation time, less bleeding in the operation, short time of postoperative drainage and hospitalization, high rate of urine control in 3 months after operation, low workload of the operation, low difficulty of operation, high definition of image, and considerable safety. It is suitable for extensive popularization in clinical institutions at all levels.
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