[Abstract]:Background when the metastatic focus of colorectal cancer is unresectable, if the primary tumor causes perforation, obstruction or bleeding, the primary tumor is resected first and then chemotherapy is performed. However, for patients with asymptomatic primary lesions at the time of initial diagnosis, whether the primary focus is resected is still controversial. In this study, meta-analysis of primary tumor efficacy was carried out in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer after surgical and non-surgical resection. Methods the patients and methods were collected from MEDLINE database, pubMed database and EMBASE database. The literature was published publicly. The final date of literature retrieval was May 31, 2014. To compare the effect of primary resection of metastatic colorectal cancer on survival of patients. The 2-and 3-year survival rate and tumor-related complications (obstruction, perforation, hemorrhage, etc.) were evaluated. Calculate the ratio of (ORs) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Between surgical and nonoperative groups Results A total of 11 articles were included in the study, including 2193 patients (operative group: 1111; unresectable group: 1 082). The results showed that the 3-year survival rate (OR 2.22:95%CI 1.49-3.30), the 2-year survival rate (OR 2.37:95%CI1.77-3.18) and the 1-year survival rate (OR 2.77:95%CI 2.19-3.50) were higher in the surgical group than in the non-resection group. Cancer-related complications (obstruction, perforation, bleeding, etc.) in the surgical group compared with those in the non-resection group (OR0.65:95%CI:0.53-0.80). Conclusion resection of primary tumor of metastatic colorectal cancer can improve the survival time and decrease the incidence of tumor-related complications.
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