[Abstract]:Objective screening methods, screening age and interval are important factors to form a screening strategy for breast cancer. The implementation of different screening strategies for breast cancer will have different screening benefits. Therefore, the clinical milk is analyzed in this study under the reasonable and effective utilization of the limited health resources of the country. Glandular examination, breast ultrasound examination and mammographic mammography examination of three methods alone or in combination (series or parallel) sensitivity and specificity and its influence factors, explore and construct a variety of different combinations of breast cancer screening strategies and analysis of its cost effectiveness, thus optimizing the screening strategy for female breast cancer in China, in order to improve breast cancer The prevention and treatment of health resources allocation provided policy recommendations. Methods 33234 women who participated in the "multi center study of the Chinese women's breast cancer screening and optimization program" in 1.2008-2010 were used to calculate the clinical breast examination, breast ultrasonography, mammography and mammography, the sensitivity, the specificity and the two based on the x 2 test. The 95% confidence interval and influencing factors of the item distribution were screened at the age of 35 or 40 years as screening age, 59, 64 or 69 years as screening cut-off age, and the three methods of screening were used as screening methods, and the main purpose of screening.2. screening for breast cancer screening every 2 or 3 year screening interval was early detection, that is, screening The direct results showed that there was a certain shift in the pathological staging of breast cancer patients found by screening for breast cancer. Therefore, 182 breast cancer patients and 7 regions of China (Beijing, Shenyang, Changsha, Guangzhou) were collected and found in the multi center study on the screening and optimization of women's breast cancer in China. Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu) 1998-2008 years of retrospective investigation of breast cancer in the period of 435 cases of breast cancer in the same period of the pathological staging information, and using the Markov model to analyze the long-term results of screening. According to the law of breast cancer and the regulation of screening intervention, the natural history of breast cancer was constructed by using Treeage Pro 2011 software. Progress Markov model and breast cancer screening and diagnosis Markov decision model. The model cycle cycle is 1 years. The cohort simulation method is used to evaluate the screening effect of 100 thousand people under different screening strategies for the next 50 years, such as life loss year, quality adjusted life loss year, and additional cost cost, so as to calculate screening relative to non screening. At the same time, the overall cost effectiveness ratio, according to the different screening age, compared the 22 strategies to each other and relative to the non screening incremental cost effectiveness ratio, thus determined the best screening and stop age.3. for the effects of breast cancer screening health economics, including the multi factor hurricane map sensitivity analysis, the different population whole A single factor sensitivity analysis for the mortality, the incidence of breast cancer, the rate of discounting, and the evaluation of the pre clinical stay time for women's breast cancer in China based on screening data. Results the sensitivity of 1. single mammography screening was 86% (95%CI:79.2%-92.8%), and the specificity was 94.3% (95%CI:94.0%-94.5%). CBE or B was supplemented on the molybdenum target basis. US, in parallel with it, can improve the sensitivity and specificity of the screening method, in which the sensitivity and specificity of CBE and MAM parallel are 92.2% (95%CI:86.9%-97.4%) and 93.7% (95%CI:93.4%-94.0%) respectively; BUS, MAM parallel sensitivity and specificity are 95% (95%CI:90.7% -99.3%) and 93.2% (95%CI:93.0%-93.5%) respectively, while the three methods are sensitive in parallel. The highest degree was 97% (95%CI:93.7%-100.0%), and the specificity was 92.8% (95%CI:92.5%-93.1%). According to the different screening age, screening method and interval, a total of 132 kinds of breast cancer screening strategies suitable for Chinese women were constructed,.2., respectively, on the cost-effectiveness analysis of the 132 screening strategies. The results showed that there were 4 dominant alternative strategies, that is 35-59. Once every 3 years, BUS, MAM series screening, 35-59 year old BUS, MAM series screening, 35-59 year old CBE, BUS, MAM parallel screening method and 35-69 year CBE, BUS, MAM parallel screening method. The optimal strategy is 3 times per capita GDP as the evaluation criterion, and the optimal strategy is 2 years, 2 years, 2 years parallel CBE The incremental cost of 100 thousand women per life year (or the quality adjusted life year) was 36774 yuan (90706 yuan) compared to the non screening screening. The results of the different screening age cost results showed that the screening interval of every 2 years was better than every 3 years; the parallel screening was superior to the series. All the dominant screening strategies included BUS. The screening method suggests that under the current level of breast cancer and economic conditions in China, BUS screening has a certain guiding value for.3.. The sensitivity analysis of CBE, BUS, MAM parallel screening advantage strategy for 35-69 year old, BUS and MAM, found that the annual growth rate of female breast cancer incidence has the greatest impact on the cost of screening strategy. The second is the age of screening, the cost of diagnosis of breast cancer, and the age specific mortality rate of the different population, the age of breast cancer, the rate of discounting, the result of the single factor sensitivity analysis and the stability of the model. Meanwhile, the female breast cancer screening method in China is combined with the multi center research data to calculate the female breast in China. The average stay time of preclinical cancer was 10.46 years (95%CI:8.10-13.51), the average stay of women under 50 years of age was 9.37 years (95%CI:5.71-15.38), and the average time of stay of 50 years old and above was 10.84 years (95%CI:8.04-14.61). Supplementation of CBE or BUS on the basis of single MAM screening can effectively improve the accuracy of screening methods. The three cases have the highest sensitivity in parallel, with a better effect of early detection of breast cancer, CBE, BUS, MAM parallel screening is the most suitable strategy for breast cancer screening, which is the most suitable for China's national conditions and women's physiological characteristics. It is the same as that of non screening. The cost of 100 thousand women per life year (or the quality adjusted life year) is 36774 yuan (90706 yuan). The results provide a scientific basis for the screening of women's breast cancer in China, which can be considered for screening and application among women of high incidence of breast cancer in the more developed areas of China. The stay of young women (50 years old) in China. Shorter time, the early stage of breast cancer progress is faster, so it is also a reminder of the early screening of breast cancer high-risk groups in the stay, better early detection of breast cancer, screening results will be more obvious.
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