[Abstract]:Objective: Currently, the treatment of bladder cancer is still mainly surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy; in addition, it also includes adjuvant chemotherapy to improve the therapeutic effect of tumor. Nevertheless, bladder cancer still has a high recurrence rate. Specific proliferation and killing of tumor cells in bladder cancer cells is an important method for tumor targeted therapy. At present, the efficacy of oncolytic adenovirus has been studied, but the safety and toxicity of oncolytic adenovirus are still controversial. The reported toxicity of oncolytic adenovirus mainly focuses on acute toxicity test. The reproductive toxicity of oncolytic adenovirus (oncolytic adenovirus Ad-PSCAE-UP II-E1A), which was constructed in our laboratory, has not been reported for a long time. Methods: Beijing Wujiahe Company was commissioned to amplify, purify and identify the adenovirus Ad-PSCAE-UP II-E1A (APU-E1A), which has been constructed in our laboratory. The mice were purchased from the animal laboratory of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The whole safety evaluation system is divided into three parts: acute toxicity test, general reproductive toxicity test and teratogenic toxicity test. Acute toxicity is to inject the amplified oncolytic adenovirus into the abdominal cavity of mice by intraperitoneal administration, observe the changes of behavior and weight of mice, and sacrifice the mice 14 days later to detect the lymphatic fineness in the blood of mice. Cell and platelet levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and glutamic oxaloacetic aminotransferase (AST) in the liver were measured; histological sections were stained with HE to observe the microscopic pathological changes of oncolytic adenovirus in various tissues and organs. Firstly, male mice were administered by intramuscular injection for 28 days in succession, and the time of administration was every other day. Female mice were administered by intramuscular injection for 14 days in succession after two weeks in male mice. After successful mating, the pregnant mice were divided into two parts. One part was euthanized 16 days after conception, then the fetus was removed, the viscera and skin were removed and stained to observe the bone changes. The teratogenic dosage regimen: female mice after mating were administered on the sixth day, once every other day, until the 14th day after conception; one was euthanized on the 16th day, fetal mice were taken out to observe the changes of embryonic skeletal structure; the other was born naturally for 30 days, and the growth and development were observed. Results In the acute toxicity test of mice, abdominal pain such as writhing occurred in mice, and the weight of mice in the experimental group increased faster than that of the control group, with statistical differences; in addition, in the experiment of mice anatomical discovery. The abdominal cavity of mice in group A showed blood ascites, and the liver showed subacute severe hepatitis. The liver tissue of mice in group A showed severe necrosis of liver tissue, and the normal structure of liver lobules was destroyed. There were no significant changes in the nest weight and placental weight of fetal mice between the middle and high dose groups. There was no significant difference in the length and tail length of fetal mice. The difference was found in the weight growth curve of mice, probably due to differences between individuals and in the weight of pregnant females. During the teratogenic test in mice, the differences in placenta and nest weight between the low, medium and high dose groups and the control group were compared. There was no statistically significant difference in fetal and tail lengths. During the development of the offspring, weight gain was statistically significant. However, from the growth curve of the mice, the difference was not significant, because the growth curves of the mice showed little difference between the groups, so Conclusion: The adenovirus-specific adenovirus of bladder tissue (ADPSCAE-UPII-E1AAR) (APU-E1A-AR) may have more severe hepatotoxicity in acute toxicity test, and the liver may be the target organ of oncolytic adenovirus. In the general reproductive toxicity test and teratogenic toxicity test in mice, there was no significant difference between the tissues. Therefore, it was considered that the oncolytic adenovirus we constructed had little effect on the reproductive system of mice and was a relatively safe swelling. Gene therapy biologics for tumors have less impact on fertility and teratogenesis in pregnant patients and health care workers responsible for cancer treatment
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