[Abstract]:Summary: laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery is a major trend of surgical development in the 21 century. It is characterized by small scars, quick recovery, and thus more and more favored by patients. However, due to the particularity of liver anatomy and physiology and the limitation of technical instruments, there are still many difficulties in the development of laparoscopic hepatectomy: the control of bleeding during hepatectomy, the localization of deep tumors, With the development and maturity of laparoscopic technique, laparoscopic hepatectomy has become a relatively safe method. This technique was first used in the treatment of benign liver tumors, and then gradually developed in the treatment of liver malignant tumors. The advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopic hepatectomy and open hepatectomy were compared and analyzed. Methods: from 2011 to 2015, 14 articles were selected to evaluate the patients with HCC. (1) using Cochrane RevMan software, forest plot was used to compare the postoperative complications between laparoscopic hepatectomy (LH) and open hepatectomy (OH). (2) PRISM software was used. The mean perioperative bleeding, operative time and hospital stay were compared between the two groups. Results: (1) compared with OH, the incidence of LH complications was lower. Oddrratio = 0.39.Forest plot. The results also showed that OH had higher complications: Odd ratio = 0. 61, 蠂 2 + 16. 27 d f = 9 (p = 0. 06, with statistical significance) 12 = 45%.Test for overall effect,Z= 7. 10 (2) LH patients had shorter hospitalization time and lower average blood loss. However, the average operative time of LH was higher than that of OH.. There was no significant difference in 5-year survival rate and recurrence rate between LH and OH. Conclusion: laparoscopic hepatectomy has many advantages: the severity of complications is low, the length of hospital stay and the amount of bleeding are less, and the trauma is small. With the development of new technology and the accumulation of surgical experience, the operative time of laparoscopic hepatectomy will be gradually reduced, making it a safe and feasible and widely used method for the treatment of liver cancer.
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