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发布时间:2018-12-10 22:16
[Abstract]:Objective: To compare the diagnostic value of conventional ultrasound and ultrasound in the diagnosis of liver-solid occupying lesions, and to explore the accuracy and the influencing factors of the guided percutaneous liver biopsy. Methods: From June 2012 to June, 2016, 89 cases and 95 lesions were randomly divided into the normal group and the contrast group, among which 53 lesions and 42 lesions in the normal group were randomly divided into the normal group and the contrast group. The results of the diagnosis and the pathological results of the conventional group and the contrast group were compared, and the effect of the basic condition of the lesion on the results of the puncture was analyzed. Results: The diagnostic accuracy of routine group was 71.6%, and the diagnostic accuracy of contrast group was 90. 5%. The diagnostic sensitivity of the conventional group was 75.6%, the diagnostic sensitivity of the contrast group was 91.2%, and the data sensitivity of the two groups was compared, (? (2 = 3.143, P (29) 0.05, the difference was not statistically significant; the diagnostic specificity of the conventional group was 58.3%, the diagnostic specificity of the contrast group was 87.5%, and the two groups of data were specifically compared, (? () ~ 2 = 5.787, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance. The accuracy of the puncture in the conventional group was 70.4%, the accuracy of the puncture in the contrast group was 95.2%, and the accuracy of the two groups of data was more accurate (? 2 = 5.691, P0.05, the difference was statistically significant; the sensitivity of the conventional group was 80.5%, the puncture sensitivity of the contrast group was 97.1%, and the data sensitivity of the two groups was compared, (? () ~ 2 = 4.833, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance; the puncture specificity of the conventional group was 65.7%, the puncture specificity of the contrast group was 87.5%, and the two groups of data were specifically compared, (? () ~ 2 = 1.111, P (29) 0.05, the difference was not statistically significant. The accuracy of the puncture was 31. 25% and 97. 2% in the conventional group with the diameter of 2 cm and the diameter of 2 cm, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared. 2 = 27. 819, P 0.05, the difference was of statistical significance; when the diameter of the lesion was 2 cm, the puncture rate of the contrast group was 90.9%, the accuracy of the conventional group was 31. 25%, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared with that of the two groups (? () ~ 2 = 9.396, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance. The accuracy of the puncture was 93.1% and 58.3%, respectively, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared in the conventional group. 2 = 9.064, P0.05, the difference was statistically significant; when the boundary of the lesion was not clear, the puncture rate of the contrast group was 94.7%, the accuracy of the conventional group was 58.3%, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared. () ~ 2 = 7.382, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance. The accuracy of the puncture was 95.2% and 65.6%, respectively, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared in the conventional group. 2 = 6.348, P0.05, the difference was statistically significant; when the internal echo of the lesion was not uniform, the accuracy of the puncture of the contrast group was 90.0%, the accuracy of the conventional group was 65.6%, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared. () ~ 2 = 5.983, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance. The accuracy of the puncture was 60.7% and 96.0%, respectively, compared with that of the 5cm from the surface of the liver, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared. 2 = 9.389, P0.05, the difference was statistically significant; when the focus distance was 5cm from the surface of the liver, the puncture rate of the contrast group was 94.4%, the accuracy of the conventional group was 60.7%, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared with that of the two groups (? () ~ 2 = 6.465, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance. The accuracy of the puncture was 55. 0% and 90. 9%, respectively, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared between the two groups. (2 = 9.168, P <0.05). The accuracy of the puncture was 94.4% in contrast group and 52.0% in the conventional group, and the accuracy of the two groups was compared with that of the two groups (? () ~ 2 = 7.602, P0.05, the difference was of statistical significance. Conclusion: The accuracy of ultrasound contrast in the diagnosis of the real occupying lesion of the liver is higher than that of the conventional ultrasound. The accuracy of the ultrasound contrast-guided percutaneous biopsy is higher than that of the conventional method. The accuracy of the biopsy with a diameter of 2 cm was high, the accuracy of the biopsy was high, the accuracy of the biopsy was high, and the accuracy of the puncture biopsy of the inner echo was higher than that of the inner echo. The accuracy of the biopsy with the puncture depth of 5cm was higher than that of the puncture depth of 5cm. Background: The accuracy of the biopsy with liver cirrhosis is higher than that of the patients with liver cirrhosis. When the diameter of the solid occupying lesion was 2cm, the boundary was not clear, the internal echo was not uniform, the depth of the puncture was 5cm, and the accuracy of the ultrasound-guided puncture biopsy was higher than that of the conventional ultrasound in the case of liver parenchyma with liver cirrhosis.


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