[Abstract]:Background papilla thyroid carcinoma is a very common malignant tumor of thyroid gland. It is characterized by high incidence but good prognosis. Papilla thyroid carcinoma is prone to cervical lymph node metastasis, but because the metastasis is often small, it is difficult to be detected by preoperative ultrasound or intraoperative palpation. Therefore, in order to reduce the possible risk of recurrence, a considerable number of patients with papilla thyroid carcinoma who did not find lymph node metastasis before operation underwent prophylactic central group lymph node dissection. But the operation increases the risk of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and parathyroid injury. A new examination to determine whether there is lymph node metastasis in patients with papilla thyroid cancer can help patients with negative examination avoid central group lymph node dissection, thus reducing the incidence of operation-related complications. In recent years, a number of mutations related to the occurrence of thyroid papilla carcinoma have been found, but the mechanism of lymph node metastasis and driving genes have not yet been found. A large number of single nucleotides polymorphism (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, SNP) loci and possible gene mutations related to disease can be found by total exocrine group sequencing. The sequencing of lymph node metastases can not only help to clarify the mechanism of metastasis, but also guide the development of diagnostic tools based on disease-related SNP. Therefore, the purpose of this study is as follows: (1) the mutation related to tumor metastasis and SNP; (2) explain the possible mechanism of lymph node metastasis in papilla thyroid carcinoma by sequencing the total exocrine group of primary and metastases of papilla thyroid carcinoma. Methods thyroid papilla carcinoma with multiple lymph node metastasis was confirmed by preoperative ultrasound, intraoperative palpation and postoperative pathological examination, and the specimens of primary tumor and metastasis were retained by operation. The samples were sequenced by DNA extraction, purification, hybridization and capture. Strict quality control of sequencing results is carried out. Finally, the SNP loci related to metastasis of thyroid carcinoma were screened by various bioinformatics methods and compared with the known SNP database related to the pathogenesis of thyroid papilla cancer, and the SNP and mutation which may be of great significance to metastasis were obtained. Results A total of 9 samples of lymph nodes and primary foci were obtained from 3 patients. The average depth of sequencing was 122 脳, and the total number of SNP obtained from each sample was more than 40000. After screening and comparative analysis with known databases, 53 SNP loci which may be related to metastasis were obtained. 14 SNP loci with high frequency were obtained by further screening. The analysis of sequencing results showed that BRAF mutation might not play a major role in lymph node metastasis. CHEK2 mutation may have an important effect on this process. In addition, SNP changes involving PDE4DIP, SPTB, TBC1D32 and other genes may be related to the metastasis of papilla thyroid carcinoma. Conclusion there are more than 50 SNP associated with SNP, in both primary and lymph node metastases of thyroid carcinoma. CHEK2 may play an important role in the process of lymph node metastasis. SNP of TBC1D32, PDE4DIP,SPTB and other genes may be closely related to lymph node metastasis.
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