发布时间:2018-01-02 14:11
本文关键词:简述从“痉”论治癫痫 出处:《中华中医药杂志》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Through the study of some doctors, the author thinks that the definition of epilepsy in modern medicine is more extensive than that in ancient times. Therefore, according to the characteristics of "spasmodic" disease symptoms. It is considered that it belongs to the category of modern epilepsy, so as to compare the etiology, location, pathogenesis and symptoms of epileptic ankylosis and "spasmodic" disease. This paper discusses the correlation between them in etiology and pathogenesis, therefore. This paper puts forward the treatment method of epileptic ankylosing attack with the prescription of "spasmodic" disease in synopsis of synopsis of the Golden Chamber, and then on the basis of the analysis of the articles, according to the method of treating spasmodic disease according to the pulse syndrome of "spasmodic" disease. In this paper, the clinical differentiation and medication methods of different syndrome types of epileptic ankylosing seizure are put forward.
【作者单位】: 广州中医药大学;广州蔡氏经方国医馆;厦门大学;
【正文快照】: 癫痫,即俗称的“羊角风”或“羊癫风”,是由多种原因引起的慢性脑功能障碍综合征,癫痫发作是大脑神经元突发性异常放电而引起的突发性、暂时性、发作性脑功能紊乱[1]。中医对癫痫的认识历史悠久,历代医家对癫痫从不同角度均进行了详细的论述[2]。近代研究认为,中医学的癫痫基,