发布时间:2018-01-15 10:11
本文关键词:中医药治疗急性咽炎的优势与问题探讨 出处:《中国中药杂志》2017年19期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, in recent years the domestic and foreign literature retrieval system, using HowNet China (CNKI) from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2016 on TCM treatment of acute pharyngitis literature, by using bibliometric statistical analysis method. The primary 493 references according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 182 literatures were screened in accordance with standard. Through the evaluation and analysis of the literature found that: the diagnosis of acute pharyngitis in the treatment process, "Chinese medicine clinical research guiding principles > commonly used diagnostic criteria in Chinese medicine treatment of this disease mainly; Chinese medicine; decoction for treatment of this disease is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine honeysuckle, Scutellaria, forsythia, Campanulaceae, licorice root, figwort root, isatis root, Ophiopogon japonicus; therapeutics of bloodletting is methods commonly used external treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own characteristics in the treatment of the disease, the treatment of Western medicine for acute pharyngitis with antiviral, antibiotic and glucocorticoid drugs As the main material, defects of side effects, drug resistance and easily lead to superinfection. Traditional Chinese medicine has a rich experience in the treatment of this disease, the syndrome differentiation, drug safety, efficacy, drug resistance, and various forms of traditional Chinese medicine, convenient taking, low price, small side effects for explore the characteristics of TCM, the study and preparation of new and effective drugs is a difficult and significant task.
【作者单位】: 中国中医科学院广安门医院;中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究所;
【正文快照】: 急性咽炎是一种咽黏膜及黏膜下组织的急性炎症,常累及咽部淋巴组织,临床发病率约为5%[1],本病没有明显的地域性,亦没有明显的人群分布倾向,在人群中分布范围极为广泛,男女老幼均可患病,多发生于秋冬及冬春之交,为上呼吸道感染的一部分,可单独发作,或继发急性鼻炎、急性扁桃体
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