发布时间:2018-04-01 11:14
本文选题:冠心病 切入点:五脏 出处:《北京中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: through epidemiological survey, TCM syndrome of coronary heart disease, involving viscera research, explore the correlation between the related factors of coronary heart disease angina onset and five organs. Methods: a cross-sectional survey of 05, between 2013 to 2014 05 months, was diagnosed at Dongzhimen hospital, An Zhen Hospital, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, three three level of first-class hospital, by coronary angiography or coronary CT diagnosed as coronary heart disease, 400 cases were investigated to establish a database to analyze the relationship between risk factors of coronary heart disease and the incidence of chest organs. Results: 400 cases were included in this study were obtained on the analysis results are as follows: 1. the differences of gender and age distribution of five: the gender distribution in patients with coronary heart disease the differences between the organs involved, the main differences between the viscera in the spleen, male patients with coronary heart disease than female patients more prone to splenism The problem of the aged patients with coronary heart disease. The distribution in each relates to differences between the internal organs, the main differences between the organs in the liver, with the increase of age, the risk of disease involving the liver more likely.2. factors of coronary heart disease in five: the distribution of abdominal obesity and liver, spleen two dirty close. The chest disease involving in patients with coronary heart disease the liver and spleen of patients compared with other patients more prone to abdominal obesity and hypertension. The spleen is closely related to that in patients with coronary heart disease. Chest disease involving the spleen of patients compared with other patients with hypertension. The close relationship between the smaller probability of diabetes and lung in patients with coronary heart disease in the chest. Presumably probability than other patients with diabetes mellitus the disease involved lung were higher. The correlation between hyperlipidemia and larger organs is the heart, kidney. Presumably in patients with coronary heart disease in chest disease related to heart, kidney patients than in the The probability of patients with hyperlipidemia had higher.3. coronary heart disease syndromes in five variation: the disease related to heart yang deficiency syndrome known as: drinking water; the disease involving the liver syndrome are: Yin deficiency, qi stagnation, phlegm, drinking water: the disease involving the spleen the main syndromes of phlegm, drinking water; the disease related to lung thesyndrome are: phlegm, drinking water; the disease related to renal syndromes are: Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, drinking water, the correlation between.4. TCM Syndromes of coronary heart disease and five: This study included 400 cases of a, according to syndrome combination can be divided into 26 TCM Syndromes of coronary heart disease. Chest pain syndromes and viscera of multinomial logistics regression analysis, the results are as follows: 1 and spleen qi deficiency and blood stasis in patients with coronary heart disease are closely related. In chest disease involving the spleen of patients compared with other patients with Qi deficiency and blood stasis may More. The Qi deficiency and phlegm stasis type and kidney are closely related. In patients with coronary heart disease in chest disease involves the possibility of renal patients compared with other patients with Qi deficiency phlegm and blood stasis. The higher the Qi blood stasis and spleen closely. In patients with coronary heart disease in chest disease involving the spleen is more common in patients with Qi and yin deficiency phlegm and blood stasis. The qi stagnation and blood stasis and liver, spleen is closely related to disease involving the liver in patients with coronary heart disease. Chest, spleen two dirty patients than the other patients had a higher possibility of qi stagnation and blood stasis. The two Qi and yang deficiency type and spleen and kidney are closely related. The disease involves the spleen in patients with coronary heart disease in the chest, the possibility of kidney two dirty patients compared with other patients with Qi and yang two higher. The relationship between the deficiency of qi deficiency and blood stasis and kidney water stop close. In patients with coronary heart disease in chest disease related to kidney patients compared with other patients the possibility of qi deficiency and blood stasis water stop more.5. coronary heart disease coronary artery In the five distribution: vein lesions were enrolled in the study in 400 cases, by correlation analysis of coronary artery lesions in coronary heart disease and five organs, the results are as follows: 1 anterior descending artery and spleen are closely related, presumably in patients with coronary heart disease in chest disease involving the spleen is more common in patients with lesions of anterior descending branch. The coronary heart disease angina pectoris grade with liver and spleen has obvious relevance, chest disease in patients with coronary heart disease related to liver, spleen patients compared with other patients with angina pectoris grade is lower. The incidence of acute myocardial infarction in the five distribution differences: acute inferior myocardial infarction and angina was significantly correlated with the, anterior wall acute myocardial infarction was significantly correlated with the liver and spleen, elevation myocardial infarction and acute ST segment has obvious relevance. Presumably, chest disease involving in patients with coronary heart disease And to the probability of heart patients compared with other patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction is higher, the disease related to the probability of liver patients compared with other patients with acute anterior myocardial infarction is higher, the disease related to the patients with spleen probability than other patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction is higher. Conclusion this study included 400 cases of coronary heart disease, the disease related to heart 395 cases (98.75%), a disease related to liver in 101 cases (25.25%), a disease involving the spleen 203 cases (50.75%), a disease related to lung in 12 cases (3%), a disease related to kidney 117 cases (29.3%). Five viscera and chest pain is closely related to coronary heart disease incidence degree followed by spleen and kidney liver and lung disease in patients with coronary heart disease.1. syndrome related to heart patients and other patients compared to patients with hyperlipidemia; the present acute under wall heart The probability of myocardial infarction is higher; and often accompanied with Yang deficiency and water retention symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease.2. chest disease related to patients with hepatic easier with abdominal obesity; the probability of occurrence of acute anterior wall myocardial infarction is higher; the classification of coronary heart disease angina fatigue is often low; it is often accompanied by Yin deficiency, qi stagnation, phlegm and fluid retention symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease.3. chest disease involving the spleen were more easily combined with abdominal obesity, but less likely complicated with hypertension: the anterior descending lesions occur more likely; the probability of occurrence of acute ST elevation myocardial infarction the higher the grade of coronary heart disease; tired angina is often low; the common TCM Syndromes of qi deficiency and blood stasis, yin deficiency and blood stasis, qi stagnation and blood stasis, Qi and yang deficiency type two; and often accompanied by phlegm, symptoms of water retention of.4 In patients with coronary heart disease. Chest disease involves the possibility of lung patients with diabetes more; the water retention is often accompanied by symptoms of coronary heart disease in patients with chest.5. disease related to patients with renal easier possibility of hyperlipidemia with larger; the common TCM syndrome type of qi deficiency and phlegm stasis type, gas two yang deficiency, Qi deficiency and blood stasis type water stop; it is often accompanied by Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, stagnation of Yin cold and water retention symptoms.
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