本文选题:肾性蛋白尿 切入点:用药规律 出处:《黑龙江中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the drugs used by Professor Song Li-qun in the treatment of renal proteinuria, and to summarize the basic treatment methods and clinical drug use of Professor Song Li-qun for the treatment of renal proteinuria.It provides more effective theoretical basis and clinical guidance for the treatment of renal proteinuria with traditional Chinese medicine in the future, and is helpful to the improvement and development of expert experience at the same time.Methods: according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion, the first diagnosis prescriptions of 500 renal proteinuria patients were collected from January 2011 to June 2015 in the Department of Renal Clinic and Ward of the first affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of traditional Chinese Medicine.All patients were treated by Professor Song Liqun.The drugs used in 500 prescriptions were analyzed by SPSS18.0 statistical software, cluster analysis, factor analysis by SAS statistical software, and summarized the regular result: 1. 1.The total frequency of the 500 clinical prescriptions was 8902.39 of them were used more than 50 times, and the accumulative frequency was 83.52.The first 26 drugs were used more than 100 times and the accumulative frequency was 72.37. It was the main drug for the treatment of renal proteinuria.From high to low, the statistics of the four qi of drugs are arranged as flat, warm, cold and cool drugs; the statistics of five flavors are arranged from high to low to sweet, bitter, acrid, sour, symplectic, light and salty; the top five are liver, kidney, spleen and stomach.Lung.The most frequently used drugs are tonifying drugs and astringent drugs, which are the two most important drugs in the treatment of renal proteinuria.The results of cluster analysis showed that there were 9 pairs of common drug pairs and 6 groups of commonly used drugs.The results of factor analysis showed that there were 17 common factors in 62 drugs whose cumulative frequency was over 91.61%.Conclusion 1.Atractylodes macrocephala, Euryale Euryale, Astragalus membranaceus, Cherry Cherry, Ligustrum lucidum, Poria cocos, Raspberry, Astragalus complanatus, Cuscuta chinensis, White Fruit, Mater Mater, Raw Rehmannia, Thistle, small thistle, cooked Rehmannia, Eucommia, Trigonthus chinensis, Dragon Sunflower, Lotus seed, side Cypress Leaf, Ulmus pumila, Sappa sappa,Artemisia mongolica, is the main treatment of renal proteinuria 2.Flat, warm, mild temperature; Gan, bitter, astringent; Kidney, spleen, liver Meridian is the main sexual flavor of the treatment of renal proteinuria.Tonifying medicine, astringent medicine is the main type of treatment of renal proteinuria.The medicine of promoting water and infiltrating dampness, dispelling rheumatism, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis and clearing away heat are the main kinds of drugs to treat the syndrome of kidney proteinuria.The pathogenesis of renal proteinuria is mainly caused by kidney essence loss, spleen failure, liver yin deficiency, lung loss and dampness, heat, toxin stasis and other pathological products.It is the basic principle of kidney proteinuria to pay attention to regulating qi regulating machine and treating deficiency with standard solid.
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