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发布时间:2018-04-16 22:34

  本文选题:变应性鼻炎 + 过敏性鼻炎 ; 参考:《北京中医药大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:过敏性鼻炎(Allergic Rhinitis:简称AR)为由于机体接触变应原引起,以清涕不止、鼻塞、鼻痒和连续性喷嚏为主症的一种变态反应性疾病。目前过敏性鼻炎的全球患病率高达25%,且患病率还在增加趋势。已成为临床常见病。因为本病症状对患者生活质量影响严重,需要积极治疗,故本病被视为临床重要疾病之一。过敏性鼻炎属于中医的“鼻鼽”范畴,现在中医治疗过敏性鼻炎已取得较好的结果,其中针灸治疗由于价廉、易于接受、副作用少、效果良好等特点,受到临床广泛的欢迎。为了更有效地、更有针对性地治疗本病,笔者从经络诊察的观点出发,搜集古代和现代对本病治疗的文献内容,对其结果进行统计分析,从此探讨过敏性鼻炎经络诊察的精确部位及穴位,对临床针灸治疗过敏性鼻炎有所启发。方法笔者对古代针灸文献和现代针灸治疗过敏性鼻炎的文献进行全面检索。其中,古代文献包括《内经》、《针灸甲乙经》、《针灸大成》等24本文献,现代文献检索对中医学科影响因子比较高的17本期刊进行,其包括《中国针灸》、《针灸临床杂志》、《上海针灸杂志》等。古代文献检索利用“中医e百网”中医古籍数据库检索功能结合人工查阅,以“鼽”、“清涕”、“嚏”、“鼻窒”、“鼻不利”等过敏性鼻炎典型症状的描述来进行。现代文献检索利用“中国知网”的全文检索功能,主要以“过敏性鼻炎”、“变应性鼻炎”、“变态反应行鼻炎”、“鼻鼽”、“花粉症”等病名检索词和“针”、“灸”等治疗检索词的结合运用进行。然后对此结果进行综合分析,从此找出过敏性鼻炎经络诊察的规律性和有效穴位。结果1.古代文献结果检索到对过敏性鼻炎论述260条,涉及10条经脉,58个穴位,合303穴次。涉及经络包括足三阳经、手三阳经、手太阴经、足少阴经、督脉、任脉,其中阳经的穴位个数及次数占的比例较大。主要涉及部位是头面、上肢、下肢的三个部位。主要涉及穴位有上星、迎香、风门、口禾毼、囟会、百会、素毼等。2.现代文献结果检索到92篇文章,结果涉及13条经脉,6个经外奇穴,64个穴位,合687穴次。涉及经络包括足三阳经、手三阳经、足三阴经、手太阴肺经、手厥阴心经、督脉、任脉以及经外奇穴,其中阳经的穴位个数及次数占的比例较大。涉及部位主要有头面、肩背、上肢、下肢的四个部位。主要涉及穴位有迎香、合谷、印堂、足三里、肺俞、风池等。结论1.通过结果分析发现,针灸治疗过敏性鼻炎所选用的穴位阳经多于阴经,阳经多主实证、热证,这说明针灸治疗本病多以实证为主。2.本病主要涉及的经脉为手阳明大肠经、足阳明胃经、足太阳膀胱经、足少阳胆经、督脉的5条经脉,还有一些上迎香、印堂等经外奇穴。3.通过结果分析,针灸治疗本病所涉及的主要部位是头面部、肩背部、上肢部和下肢部。4.根据涉及经脉、部位和穴位的分析,过敏性鼻炎经络诊察的精确部位的初步总结如下:手阳明大肠经在上肢部诊察用穴是合谷、二间、三间、偏历、曲池,在头面部诊察用穴是迎香、禾毼;足太阳膀胱经在头面部诊察用穴是通天、攒竹、承光、玉枕、曲差,在肩背部诊察用穴是肺俞、肾俞、脾俞、风门、肝俞,在下肢部诊察用穴是足通谷、至阴、京骨、昆仑、承筋、承山、飞扬;足少阳胆经的诊察用穴是风池、头临泣、承灵;足阳明胃经在头面部诊察用穴是巨毼、地仓、四白、头维、下关,在下肢部诊察用穴是足三里、历兑、丰隆、内廷;督脉在头面部诊察用穴是上星、囟会、百会、素毼、神庭、水沟,在肩背部诊察用穴是大椎、命门;在头面部可以配合印堂、上迎香等经外奇穴的诊察。经脉和穴位不仅具有治疗疾病的功能,还能反映机体的病理变化。《灵枢·刺节真邪》云:“用针者,必先察其经络之实虚,切而循之,按而弹之,视其应动者,乃后取之而下之。”从此可见,通过经络诊察所找出的病理经脉和穴位就是针灸治疗部位,反之亦然。因此,本论文所得出的过敏性鼻炎的诊察规律结果,可在临床诊察过敏性鼻炎时应用,通过经络诊察确定阳性反应部位和穴位,即可作为针灸施治部位。
[Abstract]:Allergic rhinitis (Allergic Rhinitis: AR) is caused because the body is exposed to allergens, with more than t-ching, a stuffy nose, nasal itching and allergic disease with main symptom of continuous sneezing. Current allergic rhinitis global prevalence rate as high as 25%, and the prevalence is still rising trend has become a common disease in clinic. Because of the serious influence. The disease symptoms on quality of life of patients, need active treatment, so the disease is regarded as one of the most important clinical diseases. Allergic rhinitis TCM belongs to the category of "biqiu", now the Chinese medicine treatment of allergic rhinitis has achieved good results, the acupuncture treatment because of cheap, easy to accept, fewer side-effects. Well, by clinical widely welcomed. In order to be more effective, more targeted treatment of this disease, the author from the meridian diagnostic point of view, collection of ancient and modern treatment of this disease is the contents of a document, on the Results of statistical analysis, then explore the precise site of allergic rhinitis and acupoint meridian diagnostic, to inspire the allergic rhinitis clinical acupuncture therapy. Methods of the ancient and modern literature of acupuncture and moxibustion acupuncture in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The comprehensive literature retrieval of ancient literature, including the < >, < > zhenjiujiayijing. < > 24 the acupuncture of traditional Chinese literature, impact factors of relatively high 17 of the Journal of modern literature retrieval, including China > < < Journal of clinical acupuncture, acupuncture >, < >. Shanghai Journal of acupuncture and moxibustion in ancient literature retrieval using "Chinese e 100 net" of ancient Chinese medicine database retrieval function combined with artificial inspection, "Qiu", "t-ching", "Ti", "stuffy nose", "the typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis and other nasal adverse" description of modern literature retrieval. Using the function of "the China HowNet", to "allergy Rhinitis "," allergic rhinitis "," allergic rhinitis line "," biqiu "," hay fever "disease and the search term" needle "," moxibustion treatment for the use of the word retrieval combination. Then made a comprehensive analysis of the results, and then find out the regularity of acupuncture for allergic rhinitis. Meridian diagnostic results of the 1. ancient literature retrieval results of allergic rhinitis on 260, involving 10 meridians, 58 points, 303 points. To include foot Sanyang meridians, three yang meridians of hand, hand Taiyin meridian, kidney meridian, Du, Ren, the number of points by Yang the number of times and a greater proportion. The main part is to head, upper limbs, lower limbs. The three parts mainly involves the points on the star, Yingxiang, door, mouth wo He, fontanelle, Baihui, Su He.2. modern literature retrieval results to 92 articles, the results involving 13 meridians, 6 extrachannel points, 64 points 687, "including. Involves the meridian foot Sanyang, three yang meridians of hand, foot three yin meridian, lung meridian, heart meridian of hand Jueyin, Ren and Du, extrachannel points, of which the number of yang meridians and acupoint number accounted for a larger proportion. The main part relates to head, shoulder, upper extremity four, a part of the lower limb. The main points are involved in Yingxiang, Hegu, Zusanli, Yintang, Feishu, Fengchi. Conclusion 1. the result shows that, the acupuncture treatment of allergic rhinitis by acupoint Yang Yin Yang by more than, the main empirical heat syndrome, which shows more evidence based.2. this disease is mainly related to the therapy of acupuncture meridians to the large intestine meridian of hand Yangming, stomach meridian, bladder meridian, foot Shaoyang meridians, 5 meridians Du, there are some incense, Yintang extrachannel points.3. through the analysis of results, the main parts involved in acupuncture treatment of this disease is the head on the face, shoulder and back. 鑲㈤儴鍜屼笅鑲㈤儴.4.鏍规嵁娑夊強缁忚剦,閮ㄤ綅鍜岀┐浣嶇殑鍒嗘瀽,杩囨晱鎬ч蓟鐐庣粡缁滆瘖瀵熺殑绮剧‘閮ㄤ綅鐨勫垵姝ユ,




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