本文选题:腹泻型肠易激综合征 + 用药规律分析 ; 参考:《辽宁中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore and summarize the core drugs, drugs, meridians, drugs and drug equivalents in the treatment of IBS-D by statistical analysis of the frequency and correlation of the Chinese medicine used by Professor Bai Guang. To provide theoretical and clinical basis for the treatment of IBS-D in the future, to provide new ideas for expert experience summing up, and to provide certain methods for sorting out and inheriting academic experience of traditional Chinese medicine. Materials and methods: from May 23, 2014 to August 20, 2015, the Department of spleen and stomach Diseases, affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of traditional Chinese Medicine, was selected according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The information of outpatient service was collected by taking pictures through the records of outpatient diagnosis and treatment. The information of date, sex, age, prescription medicine and so on in the course of outpatient diagnosis and treatment were recorded by Excel table, the frequency of drug use was counted, the quality of drugs was classified and converted into analyzable data. Through manual analysis and statistical software SPSS 22.0, the data were analyzed, and the conclusion was drawn by cross-reference. The result is 1: 1. A total of 138 Chinese herbs were summarized from the cases, 22 of which were more than 25% frequency, the first 5 were Atractylodes macrocephala, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Poria cocos, Coptis chinensis, Glycyrrhiza uralensis. The drugs used in the treatment of 3404 times: bitter, sweet, symplectic use the most frequency, light, acid, astringent used relatively less, the least salty. 3. Drug classification: the most mild drugs, the frequency of use is 1441, the rest in turn is cold, flat, cool, hot. 4. The most common meridians were spleen, stomach, lung, liver, heart, followed by large intestine, kidney, gallbladder, bladder, small intestine and pericardium. Tonifying deficiency medicine and clearing away heat medicine play a leading role in their treatment. Secondly, the five kinds of drugs, I. e., promoting water and infiltrating dampness, dehumidifying and regulating qi, are the main drugs in the treatment of IBS-D. The correlation of 22 medicinal SPSS22.0 with frequency more than 50 times was analyzed and 50 pairs of drugs were listed by screening. Conclusion 1. From the analysis of the treatment of IBS-D drugs, it can be seen that the common medicine of tonifying deficiency and clearing heat is used in the treatment of this disease, with the combination of liver-qi and dampness, regulating qi, reflecting the characteristics of the etiology and pathogenesis of IBS-D, the combination of tonifying deficiency, dispelling evil and regulating qi, and the drug characteristics of regulating liver and spleen. Bai Shi selected drugs for the treatment of this disease, the most medicinal properties of warm drugs, drug taste to bitter, sweet, Xin medicine medicine, the main return to the spleen, stomach, lung, liver meridian.
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