本文选题:发展治疗学 + 人格 ; 参考:《北京中医药大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Growth therapy is a kind of native psychotherapy technology related to personality remodeling, which is first put forward by Professor Wang Weidong, Department of Cardiology, Guang'an Men Hospital. It is the result of the combination of modern Chinese medicine psychology and western modern psychology. Professor Wang Weidong, in view of the traditional Chinese medicine psychology for the occurrence and development of psychological diseases still remain on the understanding of ancient Chinese medicine, the guidance of Chinese medicine, acupuncture methods can still be, but for the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine psychotherapy is insufficient. In clinical practice, under the guidance of the whole concept of traditional Chinese medicine and the related knowledge of western psychology, the author puts forward the development of therapeutics, probes into the pathogenesis of psychological diseases, and puts forward the methods of treatment for growing up again. Innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine psychology. Growth therapy appeared for the first time in Professor Wang Weidong's Development Therapeutics. Development therapeutics holds that any mental and psychological disease is a process of occurrence and development, and clearly points out that "childhood trauma" and "lack of growth" are the two core pathological mechanisms of abnormal psychological development. The treatment of re-growth is the research and treatment of abnormal psychological development process of "growth deviation" and "growth deficiency", which is the extension and development of low-impedance ideation therapy. It can be said that the treatment of re-growth is based on the theory of developmental therapeutics, under the condition of low impedance (relaxation, or Qigong entering the static state, a state between awake and sleep). According to the abnormal psychological development process of "growth deviation" and "lack of growth", the language is introduced to the patients to adapt to the normal growth elements of different ages and the situation and story of the growth stage. It induces the patient to carry on the continuous "growth imagination", finally achieves some abnormal personality tendency and raises the psychological development level the psychotherapy method. Growth therapy is based on the modern psychological theory of traditional Chinese medicine-developmental therapeutics, combined with modern developmental psychology and other theories, following the principles of stability, persistence, repeatability, and concrete thinking. The principles of imagination expansion and explicit and implicit transformation create stories and situations of different stages of growth or elements of growth through language induction in low impedance states. Through the therapists lead the patients to imagine the normal psychological development which is suitable for their growth stage repeatedly, then carry on the new cognitive understanding, change the unreasonable cognition and behavior pattern, and by imagining the missing event, In order to make up for the lack of protection caused by early childhood, so as to change and create new memory, and achieve the purpose of treatment. Growth therapy is the application, development and innovation of figurative thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, which accords with the background of Chinese history and culture and the psychological characteristics of Chinese people. Growth therapy also realizes the mutual transformation of consciousness and subconsciousness, which is a supplement and innovation to Freud's theory and all current psychotherapy theories, which provides a reference for the present modern psychotherapy. The main task of this paper is to summarize Professor Wang Weidong's clinical experience in the application of regenerative therapy, to dig out the rational core and theoretical support of regenerative therapy, and to clarify the principle of re-growth therapy. Collate the basis and method, operation key points and details of the technical process of regrowth therapy, According to the Guanganmen retrospective Personality Development scale (WMPI) and the symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) as research tools to explore the factors that need to be created and introduced into normal situations in different age stages of treatment for re-growth. It also summarizes and extracts some of the materials of Professor Wang Weidong's commonly used clinical growth therapy, which provides a practical theory and standardized flow for the clinical application of the treatment of re-growth.
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