[Abstract]:Objective: the whole peripheral blood study of our group suggested that granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and activated normal T cells expressed secretory regulator (RANTES) related to spleen and stomach damp-heat syndrome. To further explore the role of local gastric mucosa in the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori (HP) related gastric disease with dampness and heat of spleen and stomach. Methods: 114 gastric mucosa specimens (including 68 cases of chronic gastritis, 34 cases of peptic ulcer, 83 cases of spleen and stomach dampness and heat syndrome, 19 cases of deficiency of spleen and stomach) were collected. Rapid urease staining and methylene blue staining were used to evaluate the degree of inflammatory reaction and activity of 12 healthy subjects. The expression of RANTES protein in GM-CSF was detected by using Elivision plus. Results: the infection rate and degree of HP and the degree of inflammatory reaction in gastric mucosa of spleen and stomach dampness heat syndrome were significantly higher than those of spleen qi deficiency. The degree of inflammatory reaction and activity of gastric mucosa in deficiency of spleen syndrome was significantly higher than that in non-infected patients (P0.05) .Hp infection of spleen and stomach damp-heat syndrome was more serious than that of spleen qi deficiency syndrome (P0.05), and the gastric mucosal atrophy was significant (P0.05). The pathological changes of intestinal metaplasia showed a more obvious tendency than that of deficiency of temper syndrome. The expression of GM-CSF- RANTES protein was localized in HP infection of gastric mucosal epithelium and glandular cytoplasm, especially in damp-heat syndrome of spleen and stomach. Conclusion the expression of GM-CSF and RANTE may be the important cause of inducing or exacerbating damp-heat syndrome of spleen and stomach. It can promote the expression of GM-CSF and RANTE and participate in the hyperactive state of "evil cross competition" of dampness and heat of spleen and stomach, and cause more serious inflammatory reaction and degree of activity. The pathological changes of gastric mucosa formation and atrophy and intestinal metaplasia may be one of the more serious causes of the inflammatory pathological changes of HP related gastric diseases in the spleen and stomach dampness and heat syndrome.
【作者单位】: 广州中医药大学脾胃研究所;广州中医药大学第一附属医院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.30772689,No.81373563) 中央财政支持地方高校发展专项(No.财教[2013]338号) “华南中医药协同创新中心-脾胃病、脑病创新研究团队”项目(No.2016KYTD07) 广州中医药大学“高水平大学建设”项目[No.广中医研(2016)64号]~~
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