[Abstract]:Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine and Bushen Huoxue Prescription on the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Methods: retrieval of Pubmed, Chinese biomedical literature database (CBMdisc), Chinese knowledge network (CNKI), Wanfang database (WANFANG DATA), VP database (VIP) and other related documents, according to Cochrane Handbook on Pubmed retrieval strategy According to the corresponding Chinese RCT retrieval strategy developed by Cochrane Handbook, the CBMdisc database was retrieved, and the free words were used to retrieve the database of CNKI, VIP, WANFANG DATA and so on. And the Chinese Journal of Integrated Chinese and Western medicine, "Chinese Chronicles", < Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Journal >, < New TCM > and so on were retrieved manually. The retrieval time was from the library to December 2015. Unpublished literature was not collected. The patients were diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease according to NINCDS-ADRDA, DSM-IV and NIA-AA diagnostic criteria; the treatment group was Chinese medicine or kidney tonifying and activating blood type prescription, two or three times a day; the control group was donepezil 5mg once; with simple intelligence Scale (MMSE), daily living ability assessment scale (ADL) or ADL (Barthel index) scale as the main evaluation index; TCM syndrome effect, head NMR, blood routine and biochemistry as secondary evaluation index, screening suitable study. Extract research basic information (author, title, publication time, publication name, volume page number, research pair Image, intervention measures, outcome indicators). According to the revised version of the Jadad scale, the quality evaluation, not described or described unexplained call or face inquiry. Revman 5.3 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: a total of 6 articles were collected and included in the study of donepezil in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. 596 patients, according to the modified Jadad scale, were all the high quality research.MMSE scale: MD:0.69,95%CI:[-0.17,1.56]; the MMSE scale of the centering formula: MD:-1.50,95%CI:[-3.08,0.08]; the kidney tonifying square MMSE scale: MD:-1.92; 95%CI:[-3.50, -0.33]; ADL: MD0.94,95%CI:[-1.54,3.43]; the 24 week mild and moderate scale .23]; 24 weeks severe ADL scale: MD:3.13,95%CI:[-6.92,13.18]; 48 weeks light and moderate scale ADL scale: MD:-0.73,95%CI:[-5.02,3-56]48 week severe ADL scale: MD:4.23,95%CI:[-6.38,14.84]. study two tonifying kidney and activating blood type prescriptions compared with donepezil in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease in accordance with the standard of the literature, including 204 cases. The scores of the Jadad scale were all low quality research in the study of.3, the random number table generated by computer was used, but the blind method and randomization were not used. The three studies all indicated that the shedding cases were less. The lost cases were not included in the statistical.MMSE scale: Heterogeneity:P=0.04, I2=69%, Total (95%CI) MD 1.40[-0.04,2.85], Z=1.90 (P=0.06). There was no significant difference between the test group and the control group MMSE scale. The ADL scale: Heterogeneity:P=0.29, I2=12%, Total (95%CI) MD-3.01[-4.82, -1.19], Z=3.25 (P=0.001), the test group was different from the control group, and the test had the significance. Only 1 literature used the ADL (Barthel index) scale. The results showed that the scores of the test group and the control group were increased after the treatment, and the daily living ability improved. The difference was statistically significant before and after the treatment. There was no significant difference between the group and the group P0.05. The therapeutic indexes of TCM syndrome were Heterogeneity:P:0.35, I2=0%, Total (95%CI) OR 1.63[0.82,3.26], Z=1.39 (P=0.16), the experimental group and the control group. There was no significant difference in the test. Conclusion: 1, there was no statistical difference between the patients' cognitive function improvement and the TCM syndrome efficacy test group and the control group: 2, compared with donepezil, the tonifying kidney and activating blood type prescription improved the patient's daily living ability; 3, the use of tonifying kidney and activating blood type prescription was not clear in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, due to the low quality of the study, we should look at the conclusion of the system carefully. We hope that more high quality clinical trials should be included in Meta analysis to improve the level of evidence and provide more and better treatment for clinicians.
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