[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of aerobic karate training on participants' health indicators and fitness, and how to make use of innovative aerobic training and ideas to achieve a balanced development of body and mind in order to achieve the goal of health preservation. The subjects of this study were "participants in aerobic karate training in Taiwan". The questionnaire of SF-36 health self-assessment was carried out by means of intention sampling, and 485 questionnaires were collected effectively. In the same period, the physical fitness test was used to understand the actual influence of the participants in aerobic karate training. A total of 80 cadets participated in the experiment. The statistical methods of descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, single factor ANOVA and correlation analysis are used to verify the research hypotheses and discuss the results of empirical analysis. Combining the research results of quantitative research and experimental methods, this paper verifies each other in order to strive for the objectivity of the research. The study found significant differences in self-assessment of health by gender and age. The degree of specialization in aerobic karate was significantly correlated with self-assessment of health, indicating that the higher the degree of specialization in aerobic karate, the better the health of the interviewees. Under aerobic karate training, there were significant differences and improvements in physical fitness of students, especially the item of cardiopulmonary fitness. About 90% of the respondents believed that aerobic karate exercise had a positive effect on their health.
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