发布时间:2018-08-23 19:11
【摘要】:研究目的:通过针刺左侧尺泽穴对脑梗死患者心率变异性影响的研究,探讨针刺尺泽穴在不同时间点引起自主神经机能的影响规律,为临床治疗脑梗死疾病合并自主神经失调患者提供依据。试验方法:随机选30例脑梗死病人其中男性患者18例,女性患者12例,年龄在40-80岁,平均年龄51岁,进行心率变异性检测和观察针刺尺泽穴针刺前、针刺时、留针5min、行针时、留针后15min、出针时、出针后5min患者心率变异性的变化。研究工具为①产于AUSTRIA的medilog⑧AR12动态心电记录仪。②针灸针,规格:1.5寸(φ0.35×40mm)。③监测前确定室温23±2℃,湿度61%±2%rh。试验时间均饭后1小时以上,安静状态下。试验前对被检测者详细说明试验过程,试验的步骤及安全性,试验用途,经志愿者同意后开始试验,整个试验的取穴者为一名具有多年工作经验的针灸师。将所取的最快心率(HRmax).最慢心率(HRlllin)、平均心率(HRx).RR间期标准差(SDNN).相邻RR间期之差绝对值的平均值(MSD)、相邻RR间期之差的均方根值(RMSSD).爱丁堡指数(PNN50),进行针刺前后的对照分析。将所有数据录入SPSS20.0,建立数据库,计量资料用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,应用SPSS20.0统计软件进行统计学分析针刺前、留针、行针、出针后各指标的变化规律。应用方差分析t检验,P(0.05为在统计学上有显著性差异。结果:(1)针刺左侧尺泽穴进针时、进针后5min、针后10min(行针时)、针后15min、针后20min、出针后5min与进针前5min对比在HF%.LF%. LogLF/HF.ULF%.VLF%,经过统计学分析,均有显著性差异(P0.01)。而HF在进针时、针刺后5min、针刺后10min、针后20mmin,经统计学软件分析后有显著性差异(P0.01)。(2)针刺左侧尺泽穴,进针前5min、进针时、进针后5min、针后10min(行针时)、针后15min、针后20min(出针时)、出针后5min在LF. PNN50、RMSSD、SDNN、VLF,经过统计学分析后,没有显著差异。而ULF在进针时与针刺前5min、针刺后5min、针刺后10min(行针时)、针刺后15min、针刺后20min(出针时)、出针后5min对比,经统计学软件分析后有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:(1)针刺左侧尺泽穴能够使脑梗死患者迷走神经抑制;(2)针刺左侧尺泽穴能够使脑梗死患者交感神经兴奋;(3)针刺左侧尺泽穴能够调节使脑梗死患者自主神经系统平衡性;(4)时域分析SDNN、RMSSD、PNN50无影响,提示针刺左侧尺泽穴对脑梗死患者心率变异性大致无改变;
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the effect of acupuncture on heart rate variability (HRV) of patients with cerebral infarction (CI), and to explore the effect of Acupuncture on autonomic nerve function at different time points. To provide the basis for clinical treatment of cerebral infarction patients with autonomic nervous disorders. Methods: thirty patients with cerebral infarction were randomly selected, including 18 male patients and 12 female patients, aged 40-80 years with an average age of 51 years. Heart rate variability was measured and observed before and after acupuncture at Zhize point. Changes of heart rate variability in patients with 5min at 15 min after needle retention. The research tool is a medilog8AR12 dynamic ECG recorder produced in AUSTRIA. 2 acupuncture needles, 1: 1.5 inch (蠁 0.35 脳 40mm). 3. Before monitoring, room temperature 23 卤2 鈩,
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the effect of acupuncture on heart rate variability (HRV) of patients with cerebral infarction (CI), and to explore the effect of Acupuncture on autonomic nerve function at different time points. To provide the basis for clinical treatment of cerebral infarction patients with autonomic nervous disorders. Methods: thirty patients with cerebral infarction were randomly selected, including 18 male patients and 12 female patients, aged 40-80 years with an average age of 51 years. Heart rate variability was measured and observed before and after acupuncture at Zhize point. Changes of heart rate variability in patients with 5min at 15 min after needle retention. The research tool is a medilog8AR12 dynamic ECG recorder produced in AUSTRIA. 2 acupuncture needles, 1: 1.5 inch (蠁 0.35 脳 40mm). 3. Before monitoring, room temperature 23 卤2 鈩,