[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the changes of plasma homocysteine level, blood pressure, carotid intima-media thickness and blood stasis syndrome score in patients with H type hypertension and carotid arteriosclerosis before and after treatment. Methods: 80 patients were randomly divided into two groups, 40 cases in each group. Both the treatment group and the control group were treated with HMG-CoA reductase selective inhibitor Atto vastatin calcium tablets and folic acid tablets. In both the treatment group and the control group, the first-line hypotensive drug of ACEI was first used in the treatment group and the control group, and the second grade hypertension patient was treated with two drugs when the blood pressure control was not satisfactory. In addition to enalapril maleate tablets combined with the second antihypertensive drug, the first choice of CCB first-line antihypertensive tablet amlodipine benzenesulfonic acid. The treatment group was treated with traditional Chinese medicine prescription of promoting blood circulation and promoting water on the basis of western medicine. The course of treatment was 90 days. Plasma homocysteine level, blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness were observed before and after treatment. The result is 1: 1. The treatment group was superior to the control group in lowering plasma Hcy level. On the basis of improving the parameters of ambulatory blood pressure, the treatment group treated with traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing stasis and promoting water on the basis of western medicine for lowering blood pressure showed better effect than western medicine for lowering blood pressure. The improvement of carotid intima-media thickness in the treatment group was more obvious than that in the control group treated with Atto vastatin calcium tablets. The score of blood stasis syndrome in the treatment group was lower than that in the treatment group treated by western medicine alone. It suggested that the traditional Chinese medicine prescription for activating blood circulation and removing stasis and promoting water was effective in treating H type hypertension with carotid arteriosclerosis as the main etiology and pathogenesis of blood stasis syndrome. No significant side effects were found in the treatment group and the control group during treatment. Conclusion: the treatment of H type hypertension with carotid arteriosclerosis with combined use of traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and promoting water supply can reduce plasma homocysteine level, blood pressure and intima-media thickness of carotid artery, and decrease plasma homocysteine level, blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness in patients with H type hypertension. The score of blood stasis syndrome was better than that of the control group treated with western medicine alone, and no adverse reactions were found in the observation period.
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