[Abstract]:Objective to explore the clinical application value of TCM critical disease scoring system. Methods three hundred and fifteen patients with severe illness were selected and evaluated with TCM critical disease score (TCM) and British National early warning score (NEWS). Taking the death rate of 10 ~ 20 days as the evaluation end point, the authors evaluated the optimal score points of the TCM critical disease scoring system for the prediction of critical illness, and compared the consistency of the two evaluation systems for the prediction of the critical disease at the same time. Results the mortality of patients with 5 ~ 7 scores of critical diseases in traditional Chinese medicine increased significantly within 20 days, which was significantly higher than that of 2 groups (P0.05), the mortality rate of those with 7 scores was 89.19% (66 / 74). The mortality rate of those with 5 ~ 7 scores of news scores increased within 20 days, reaching 11.51% (16 / 139) and 7 points, respectively. The total mortality rate was 89.04% (65 / 73), and the curve fitting degree of the two scoring systems was 0.239g / 0.81, which indicated that TCM critical disease score also had a good evaluation efficiency. The total mortality rate of the patients with 5 points of TCM critical disease score began to increase (P0.05), the sensitivity reached 97.01, the specificity was 76.2and the area under the curve was 0.943, which was the inflexion point to predict the critical disease. Conclusion TCM critical disease score has a good effect on the prognosis of critical disease, and 5 is the dividing point to distinguish the severity of the disease from the prognosis.
【作者单位】: 广东省第二中医院急诊科;
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