[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture combined with medicine in the treatment of essential hypertension (EH) by meta analysis. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to study the difference of brain functional junction (FC) between EH patients and healthy volunteers. The abnormal FC, associated with EH was found and the antihypertensive effect and central effect mechanism of acupuncture at Taixi were explored. Methods 1.Meta analysis was used to search domestic and foreign databases, and high quality randomized controlled trials were screened out according to the exclusion criteria. The data were extracted and analyzed. The clinical efficacy of the data was analyzed by using RevMan5.3 software. Systolic blood pressure (SBP),) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were analyzed by meta. 2. The characteristics of cerebral functional junction in patients with EH were included in 76 patients with EH and 75 subjects with HCs,. The correlation between ReHo results and blood pressure was analyzed, and ROI- global functional junction analysis was performed after (ROI), the seed point related to blood pressure changes, to compare the difference brain area of FC between EH patients and HCs and blood pressure. 3. Effect of acupuncture at Taixi point on blood pressure and brain function in patients with EH 16 patients with EH were treated with acupuncture at Taixi point for 2 weeks and rest for 2 days after acupuncture for 10 times. The type and dosage of antihypertensive drugs remained unchanged in the course of acupuncture. Blood pressure was measured before and after treatment, and MRI scanning. MRI images were pretreated. The correlation analysis was made between the difference of ReHo signal and the difference of blood pressure before and after the course of treatment, and the whole brain function connection analysis of ROI- was made after determining the changes of blood pressure related to ROI,. To compare the difference brain area of FC in patients with EH before and after acupuncture at Taixi. Results A total of 8 studies were included in the 1.Meta analysis. Meta-analysis showed that the clinical effective rate of 1: OR combined with 4.07% 95 CI (2.45 卤6.67) and 2SBP: MD combined with -6.85% 95 CI (-8.78 ~ -4.93) was significantly lower than that of HCs, and its 95%CI was (-6.19 ~ 2.69) .2.The characteristics of cerebral functional junction in patients with EH were significantly lower than those in patients with HCs. Including increased ReHo in some brain regions of BA3,11,19,20,23,25,26,37,48,, For example, in bilateral cerebral islands of BA6,7,11,25, (ACC) in anterior cingulate gyrus was significantly correlated with SBP. FC analysis showed that FC between right cerebral island and BA17,10, between left cerebral island and BA13, between right ACC and BA10,17,24,48, and between left ACC and lentiform nucleus was significantly lower than that between HCs. Effect of Acupuncture at Taixi Point on brain functional connection in patients with EH 15 patients with EH completed acupuncture course of treatment. There was no significant change in SBP after treatment. After acupuncture, the increase of ReHo in the BA6,18,19,23,47,48 brain area and the decrease of ReHo in the brain area of BA9 ~ (9) ~ 10 ~ 22 ~ (40) were found, among which, the difference between the left superior frontal gyrus, the island, the lentiform nucleus, the (PCC) of the posterior cingulate gyrus, and the right thalamus and the SBP was significantly correlated with that of the left superior frontal gyrus and the BA30,37, para-hippocampal gyrus. FC increased significantly between left cerebral island and BA6,19,25, between left lentiform nucleus and BA8,13,41,47, between left PCC and BA11,30, between right thalamus and bilateral caudate nucleus, between left superior frontal gyrus and BA7,31, between left lenticular nucleus and BA10,19, between left thalamus and bilateral caudate nucleus, between left superior frontal gyrus and BA7,31, between left lentiform nucleus and BA10,19, between left thalamus and bilateral caudate nucleus. FC between the right thalamus and BA5 was attenuated. Conclusion Meta analysis shows that acupuncture combined with medicine therapy can better control blood pressure, increase blood pressure is related to brain area activity, bilateral cerebral islet ACC is closely related to EH, acupuncture at Taixi point is effective in reducing SBP in short course of treatment. The central effect of acupuncture on lowering blood pressure may be based on the functional connection between superior frontal gyrus, cerebral island, lentiform nucleus, cingulate gyrus, thalamus and other brain regions.
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