[Abstract]:Recurrent abortion is a common and difficult disease in women of childbearing age. The etiology of recurrent abortion is complex and varied. In recent years, the tendency of thrombosis caused by persistent hypercoagulable state (PTS) has attracted more and more attention from researchers at home and abroad. It is considered as one of the important causes of fetal death and recurrent abortion. In recent years, the antithrombotic effect of traditional Chinese medicine has been gradually confirmed, and it is unique in the treatment of recurrent abortion. Our previous clinical observation on the prethrombotic state of recurrent abortion with traditional Chinese medicine showed that the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating the kidney and activating blood circulation and nourishing blood was more effective, but there was no thorough and systematic study on the treatment of recurrent abortion. Treatment, Chinese medicine advocates "pre-culture its damage", if the main TCM symptoms of recurrent abortion before thrombosis can be clearly identified, the treatment of this group of people can play a "pregnant first prevention" role. If it is different from non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome in endometrial pathology and histopathology, what is the difference in proteomics? Therefore, we carried out this study, from syndrome analysis to histopathology. Objective 1 To explore the main syndrome types of recurrent abortion by studying the TCM syndromes of the pre-thrombotic state of recurrent abortion. The difference of endometrial receptivity and histopathology of prethrombotic state was analyzed, and the correlation between kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome and prethrombotic state of recurrent abortion was further analyzed. Methods 1 Referring to the Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Gynecologic Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Gynecology in Traditional Chinese Medicine and related literatures, a questionnaire was made and an electronic database was established. Under strict quality control, 205 patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion with prethrombotic state were entered into the electronic database, and the data were statistically analyzed by SAS statistical software. Analysis, multi-classification logistic regression, explore the characteristics and distribution of TCM syndrome before thrombosis in recurrent abortion, and analyze the main syndrome types. 2 According to the first part of the study of TCM syndrome after clustering, analyze the correlation between the kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome in endometrium and the state before thrombosis in recurrent abortion. There were 15 cases of deficiency of both qi and blood, and 60 cases of deficiency of kidney essence. In luteal phase, the endometrial glands were observed by HE staining and the distribution of endocrine drinks was observed by transmission electron microscope. Morphology, Endometrial Blood Flow Classification, Endometrial Blood Flow Pulse Index (PI), Endometrial Blood Flow Resistance Index (RI); Prethrombotic State-related Platelet Derived Growth Factor Family (PDGF), Vascular Endothelial Cell Factor (VEGF) and Fibrinolytic System (t-PA, PAI-1), Histopathology, B Ultrasonography, Molecular Biogenesis Correlation analysis was made on 60 cases of recurrent spontaneous abortion patients with pre-thrombotic state, such as pinocyte process, endometrial tissue HE staining results, intimal thickness, intimal state, intimal blood flow, PI, RI, PAI-1, t-PA, VEGF, PDGF-AA, and the differences of these variables in different syndromes were discussed. We used protein chip to analyze the protein expression profiles of serum samples and explore the protein expression differences between kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome and non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome in patients with recurrent abortion caused by pre-thrombotic state. The serum samples of 6 women (normal group), 12 patients (kidney deficiency and blood stasis group) with recurrent spontaneous abortion caused by prethrombotic state, 11 patients (non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group) with recurrent spontaneous abortion caused by prethrombotic state were collected. Quantity: 1000) The protein expression profiles of normal group, kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group were extracted, and the differential proteins of normal group-disease group, normal group-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, kidney deficiency and blood stasis group-non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group were analyzed. The principal component analysis (PCA) was used to show the overall protein expression differences of each group. Specifically expressed proteins in the embolic group were analyzed by KEGG pathway/pathway-net and significant functional analysis. Proteins related to the pre-thrombotic state of recurrent abortion were obtained. Results 1 Frequency and cluster analysis were performed on the symptoms of 205 cases of recurrent abortion with prethrombotic state. 87 of them had the most symptoms of kidney deficiency and blood stasis, followed by spleen and kidney deficiency, Qi and blood deficiency, kidney essence deficiency. After that, the kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome was the main syndrome of recurrent abortion before thrombosis, accounting for 47.28%. The symptoms with high frequency were: dark red menstruation, sore waist and knee, dark complexion, chest and flank tingling pain, tinnitus and lumbago, purple tongue, ecchymosis, pulse depression. Morphological manifestations: routine HE staining, 45 cases of endometrium in 60 samples, including 8 cases of kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, accounting for 17.78%, less than the other three syndrome types; and 15 cases of endometrium is poor type, of which 7 cases of kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, accounting for 46.67%, more than the other three syndrome types. 110.05). Most of the endometrial tissues can be detected by transmission electron microscopy, most of them are in the stage of full maturity, a few are in the stage of development or retraction. There were 2 cases in blood stasis group, 1 case in kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, and 1 case in kidney deficiency and blood stasis group. There was no significant difference between the four groups (P = 0.150.05) by CMH chi-square test. There was no significant difference between the four groups in the statistics of endometrial thickness, endometrial morphology and endometrial blood flow classification (P PAI-1 was positively correlated with t-PA (r = 0.415, P 0.01), PAI-1 was positively correlated with PDGF-AA (r = 0.390, P 0.01), PAI-1 was positively correlated with RI (r = 0.296, P 0.05), PAI-1 was negatively correlated with intimal blood flow typing (coded by I-III sequence) was negatively correl (r =-0.267, P 0.267, P 0.05), t-PAwas negatively correlwith VEGF (r =-0.653, P 0.653, P 0.01), t-PAwas positipositipositively correlwith PDGF-AA (r = 0.656, P 0.01), t-PAI-PAwas positipositipositively correl(t) PDGF-AA was positively correlated with RI (r = 0.399, P 0.01), PDGF-AA was positively correlated with RI (r = 0.767, P 0.01), PDGF-AA was negatively correlated with endometrial blood flow typing (encoded by I-III sequence) (r =-0.570, P 0.01), PDGF-AA was positively correlated with pinocytes (encoded by rich-negative sequence) and PI was positively correlated with RI (r = 0.369, P 0.01). There was a negative correlation between PI and HE staining (r = 0.440, P 0.01), a positive correlation between PI and pinocytes (r = 0.360, P 0.01) and a negative correlation between RI and endometrial blood flow (P 0.01). Correlation (r = - 0.762, P 0.01), RI was positively correlated with HE staining results (r = 0.354, P 0.01), RI was positively correlated with pinocytes (r = 0.519, P 0.01), and endometrial thickness was negatively correlated with HE staining results (r = 0.358, P 0.01). Membrane blood flow typing (coded by I-III sequence) was negatively correlated with HE staining results (coded by Best-Difference sequence) (r =-0.353, P 0.01), endometrial blood flow typing (coded by I-III sequence) was negatively correlated with pinocytes (coded by Rich-Negative sequence) (r =-0.699, P 0.01), and HE staining results (coded by Best-Difference sequence). The results of VEGF in patients with kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome were lower than those in the other three groups. PDGF-AA, t-PA, PAI-1 were higher than those in the other three groups. There were significant differences between PDGF-AA and t-PA (P Compared with the normal group, the expression of 8 kinds of cytokines was significantly up-regulated and 143 kinds of cytokines were significantly down-regulated in the serum of the disease group. Compared with the normal group, the expression of one cytokine was significantly up-regulated and 117 cytokines were significantly down-regulated in the serum of the kidney deficiency and blood stasis group. Compared with non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, 7 kinds of cytokines were significantly up-regulated and 26 kinds of cytokines were significantly down-regulated in serum of kidney deficiency and blood stasis group. The expression patterns of 20 cytokines were similar and different from those of non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group. 4. In addition, compared with non-kidney deficiency and blood stasis group, the cytokines involved in CXC subfamily, CC subfamily, hematopoietins, PDGF family, TNF family, TGF - (3 family) in the signal pathway of recurrent abortion before thrombosis. Prethrombotic state of kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome is the main TCM syndrome. 2 Compared with other syndrome types, the endometrial pathological and histomorphological changes of kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome are more significant, which may cause tension and contraction of blood vessels by affecting angiogenesis system or fibrinolysis system, forming hypercoagulable state, affecting blood circulation and blood perfusion of endometrium, and in physiological structure. There are obvious differences in proteomics between Kidney-Deficiency and blood-stasis syndrome and non-kidney-deficiency and blood-stasis syndrome. 33 kinds of cytokines have obvious differences in expression, involving seven signaling pathways, such as CXC subgroup, CC subgroup, Hematopoietins, PDGF, TNF, TGF-beta family. It involves blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, inflammation, angiogenesis and so on, which may be the syndrome essence of kidney deficiency and blood stasis syndrome before recurrent abortion thrombosis.
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