[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the characteristics of antithirst medication in Song and Yuan dynasties. Methods A computer search was conducted to find the prescription for dispelling thirst syndrome in the comprehensive prescriptions of the Song and Yuan dynasties, and to construct the hidden tree structure map of the law of drug use for eliminating thirst syndrome by using the implicit structure combined with the comprehensive cluster model, combining the hidden probability, conditional probability and mutual information. The quantitative data such as information coverage rate were used to interpret and interpret the characteristics of drug use. Results during the Song and Yuan dynasties, the drug used to treat thirst syndrome was divided into 11 hidden categories, which were Trichosanthin and Coptis chinensis, cooked land and Astragalus membranaceus, Cistanche deserticola and Fructus Corni, people involved in angelica sinensis, mulberry white skin and red Poria cocos, Anemarrhena and Ophiopogon, alisma and lipids, chicken gold and raw land. Schisandra and magnetite, oysters and Sophora flavescens, keel and octopus multimaicus are the core drugs. By drug test, the main manifestations of thirst in Song and Yuan dynasties are yin deficiency and yang floating syndrome, yin deficiency and toxin burning syndrome, yin deficiency fire flourishing syndrome, yin deficiency not solid syndrome, liver and kidney yin deficiency syndrome, qi and blood deficiency syndrome, qi and yin deficiency syndrome, damp-heat and blood stasis syndrome, and water drink withholding syndrome. Dampness and turbid internal obstruction, etc. Conclusion the combination of the implicit structure model and the comprehensive cluster model is more suitable for the study of the law of drug use in the treatment of disease syndrome and can also be used to verify the results of the study on the essential factors of disease syndromes.
【作者单位】: 陕西中医药大学基础医学院;北京中医药大学东直门医院呼吸科;
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