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发布时间:2018-10-25 09:37
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the acupoints selection of acupuncture and moxibustion in ancient and modern literature for the treatment of hypertension, and to summarize the points, meridians and sites of acupuncture and moxibustion in ancient and modern literature for the treatment of hypertension. Acupoints are commonly used in syndrome differentiation, so as to sum up the law of acupoint selection for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hypertension, so as to be widely used in clinic. Materials and methods: the ancient literature was searched by the books of acupuncture and massage in the software of Chinese Medical Code [1], and the modern literature was searched by the full text database of periodicals in (CNKI). The frequency of acupoint usage, the return of acupoints to the meridian, the use of specific acupoints and the distribution of acupoints in ancient and modern literature were counted respectively, and the corresponding database was established. Based on the comparative analysis of the usage, meridian and distribution of acupoints in ancient and modern times, this paper summarizes the law of acupoint selection in the treatment of hypertension by acupuncture and moxibustion in ancient and modern literature. The result is 1: 1. The most frequently selected acupoints in ancient and modern literature are Baihui, Quchi, Taochong, Fengchi, Zusanli, Tongli, Hegu, Jiexi, Sanyinjiao, Yongquan. 2. In ancient and modern literature, the most frequently used acupoints were the foot Sun bladder Meridian and the hand Yangming large intestine Meridian was used most frequently. In ancient and modern literature, the number of meridians and meridians, the number of acupoints and the frequency of use of Yang meridians were higher than those of yin meridians. In ancient and modern literature, special points (Wuyou points, original points) are often selected. 5. In ancient and modern literature, head acupoints are often selected. 6. Syndrome differentiation selection of acupoints: liver yang on the type of election Taichong, phlegm dampness accumulation type selection Fenglong, Yin and Yang deficiency type select Guan Yuan, Yin deficiency Yang hyperactivity type select Taixi. Conclusion: 1. In the literature of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hypertension in ancient and modern times, the acupoints obtained by acupuncture reflected the dialectical characteristics of meridians and collaterals, especially the bladder meridian of foot sun. 2. The acupuncture site focuses on the lesion of the head, which reflects the guiding significance of the "palliative" theory of traditional Chinese medicine to the clinical practice of acupuncture and moxibustion. The use of "he acupoint" at the distal point reflects the therapeutic characteristics of "the main point is the main adverse effect of qi". 3. The research and development of modern literature are reflected in the high frequency use of Quchi acupoint and the syndrome differentiation of acupoints based on the disease system of internal medicine.


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