[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for intracerebral hemorrhage by using association rule method, and to find out the main drugs used and their application rules, so as to provide reference for clinical treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage. Methods: the prescriptions for intracerebral hemorrhage were collected from 2005 to 2015, and the drug association rules were analyzed by SPSS Clementine 12.0 data mining software. The association rule Apriori algorithm is used to establish the data mining model. The minimum support is 10 and the minimum confidence is 70. The combination of drugs is displayed with Web node. Results: there were 157 prescriptions to treat intracerebral hemorrhage, 152 kinds of drugs were used, the total frequency was 1575 times, and 45 kinds of drugs were used more than 10 times, totally 1290 times, accounting for 81.90% of the total frequency of drug use in intracerebral hemorrhage. Among them, the application frequency of drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing stasis is the highest, 373 times, accounting for 23.68 times of the total frequency, followed by: heat-clearing medicine, medicine for calming the liver and relieving wind, medicine for tonifying deficiency, medicine for resolving phlegm, medicine for diarrhea, medicine for hemostasis, medicine for resuscitation, medicine for promoting water and infiltrating dampness, medicine for regulating qi, Antipods, antipsychotics, antirheumatic drugs, dehumidification drugs, astringent drugs, warm medicine, antiseptic drugs. A total of 376 eligible drug association rules were obtained, including 217 rules containing peach kernel. Conclusion: the drugs of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis are the main drugs for treating cerebral hemorrhage, which should be used in combination with the drugs of calming the liver and relieving the wind, tonifying the deficiency and clearing the heat. Peach kernel is the first medicine to treat cerebral hemorrhage. By analyzing association rules, we can find out the hidden law of drug compatibility in prescription database, and provide methods and references for clinical use of drugs.
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