[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the efficacy and safety of modified Wushen Yueju decoction in the treatment of Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome after radiotherapy for breast cancer, to provide objective basis for clinical application and to expand the treatment ideas of Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome after radiotherapy for breast cancer. Methods: according to the principle of random grouping, 60 patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into two groups, 30 cases in the treatment group and 30 cases in the control group, according to the principle of random grouping. The control group was given 6 capsules of Zhenqi Fuzheng capsule once a day. The treatment group was treated with modified Wushenyueju decoction 150ml/ bag, 6 bags / dose, 1 bag / time, oral, 3 times a day. In this experiment, 14 days as a course of treatment, a total of one course of treatment. Finally, the TCM syndromes and single symptom scores, tumor markers (CEA,CA15-3), KPS scores and related safety indexes) before and after treatment were compared and evaluated between the two groups. Results: 1. TCM syndrome score: the two groups before and after treatment of TCM syndrome score comparison, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05), and the treatment group was better than the control group (P0.05). Comparison between groups: for a single TCM symptoms after treatment, five upset heat, dry oropharynx, and the comparison between the groups (P0.05), suggesting that the treatment group is better than the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the treatment of fatigue, chest tightness and shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and night sweating and poor sleep symptoms (P0.05). Comparison within the group: before and after treatment, the experimental group for the symptoms of fatigue, chest tightness and shortness of breath, five upset heat, sweating and sweating, dryness of the mouth and pharynx, insufferance, sleep loss and other symptoms of the group indicated that the treatment was effective (P0.05); At the same time, the comparison before and after in the control group indicated that the control group had improved in terms of fatigue, shortness of breath and chest tightness, five upset heat, self-sweating and night sweating, and poor sleep (P0.05), while for the dry oropharynx, there was no significant difference between the two groups. 2.KPS score: before and after treatment, there were significant differences in KPS scores between the groups (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups after treatment (P0.05). Both groups could improve the patient's quality of life. Tumor markers: for tumor markers (CEA,CA15-3), there was no statistical difference between the groups before and after treatment (P0.05). After treatment, there was no statistical difference between the two groups (P0.05). The results suggested that there was no significant decrease in the efficacy of tumor markers in both groups in a short period of time. 4. 4. Safety measures: no adverse reactions occurred in all patients during the observation period. In terms of blood routine (RBC,WBC,PLT), liver function (ALT,AST) and renal function (Cr,UREA), There was no statistical difference between the two groups before and after treatment (P0.05), which proved that both Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome were safe in the treatment of breast cancer after radiotherapy. Conclusion: modified Wushen Yueju decoction can effectively improve the symptoms of patients with deficiency of Qi and Yin after radiotherapy of breast cancer, and its curative effect is better than Zhenqi Fuzheng capsule, and can improve the quality of life of patients, but it can improve the tumor marker (CEA,). There was no obvious effect of CA15-3 in the short term. The modified Wushen Yueju decoction is safe and reliable in the course of treatment.
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