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发布时间:2018-12-14 01:25
[Abstract]:Objective: chloasma is one of the most common diseases in clinic. Although there are few symptoms of malaise, the disease is prolonged for a long time. In this study, we observed the curative effect of combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in treating chloasma with stagnation of liver and qi, and analyzed the curative effect of combination of internal and external treatment of traditional Chinese and western medicine in order to provide reference for the treatment of chloasma. Materials and methods: 56 cases of chloasma were selected from March 2015 to September 2016. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: treatment group (Xiaoyao Powder plus or subtractive 100ml twice daily, peri-acupuncture and vitamin C 100mg, vitamin E 100mg 3 times) and control group (vitamin C, vitamin E oral combined with acupuncture and moxibustion). Each 28 cases. The two groups were given 4 weeks as a course of treatment, a total of two courses of treatment. The symptoms of the two groups were observed and recorded at the end of each course. Results: 1. At the end of the first course of treatment, the total effective rate was 35.71 in the treatment group and 39.29 in the control group. The MASI score of the two groups was 0.7830.05. The results showed that the therapeutic effects of the two groups were similar. 2. 2. At the end of the course of treatment, the total effective rate of the treatment group was 88.89 and the total effective rate of the control group was 57.69. The MASI score of the two groups was 0.010.05, and the difference was statistically significant. The results showed that the treatment group had better curative effect. 3. After two months follow-up, the scores of both groups increased, but the overall treatment group was lower than the control group. The follow-up results showed that the recurrence rate was 27.27 in the treatment group and 64.29 in the control group, indicating that the recurrence rate in the control group was higher than that in the treatment group. Conclusion: 1, Xiaoyao San can effectively improve the symptoms of chloasma with stagnation of liver and qi. The peri-acupuncture method combined with vitamin C and vitamin E can effectively reduce the area of skin lesions and make the spots shallower in the patients with chloasma with stagnation of liver-qi, and add and subtract Xiaoyao San. The efficacy of peri-acupuncture combined with vitamin C and vitamin E in the treatment of chloasma with stagnation of liver-qi was better than that of vitamin C and vitamin E combined with acupuncture and moxibustion.


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