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发布时间:2019-05-22 00:41
【摘要】:目的:研究输卵管性不孕(tubal factor infertility, TFI)常见的中医证型及中医体质分布特点,并探讨本疾病中医证型、中医体质与发病相关因素间的关系,中医证型与体质之间的相关性,为输卵管性不孕的辨证及防治提供理论基础。方法:收集2015年7月至2016年4月就诊于广州中医药大学一附院妇科病房及门诊中诊断为输卵管性不孕患者的临床资料,包括:年龄、流产次数等一般资料、中医证候、体质判定相关情况等。并参照《中药新药临床研究指导原则》、《中医证候规范》、《中医妇科学》及王琦教授的关于体质九分法诊断标准对调查对象进行中医证型及体质的辨证分型。并将获得的原始数据录入Excel进行整理,选择SPSS 20.0对数据进行统计分析。结果:1.本次调查126例TFI患者中医证型分布规律如下:气滞血瘀型48.4%、肾虚血瘀型32.5%、痰瘀互结型11.1%、其它4.8%、湿热瘀结型3.2%。2.本次调查126例TFI患者体质分布为:阳虚质(19.0%)、气郁质(18.3%)、血瘀质(15.1%)、气虚质(12.7%)、平和质(11.9%)、痰湿质(7.9%)、阴虚质(7.9%)、湿热质(7.2%)。3.本次调查126例TFI流产史患者中肾虚血瘀(44.6%)气滞血瘀(33.9%)痰瘀互结(16.1%)湿热瘀结(3.6%)其它(1.8%)。盆腔炎患者中气滞血瘀(43.3%)肾虚血瘀(23.3%)痰瘀互结(20%)湿热瘀结(6.7%)、其它(6.7%)。UU感染患者中气滞血瘀(52.2%)肾虚血瘀(30.4%)痰瘀互结(17.4%)。CT感染患者中气滞血瘀(37.5%)肾虚血瘀(37.5%)痰瘀互结(12.5%)其它(12.5%)。4.本次调查126例输卵管性不孕患者证型判定为气滞血瘀患者中阳虚质占29.5%,气郁质占19.7%,血瘀质占14.8%;判定为肾虚血瘀患者中阴虚质占19.5%,血瘀质占14.6%,阳虚质占12.2%。结论:1.输卵管性不孕患者主要以阳虚质、气郁质、血瘀质三种体质类型分布为主。2.输卵管性不孕患者中以气滞血瘀及肾虚血瘀两种中医证型最常见。3.中医证型分布与流产次数、患者年龄有相关性,与是否合并盆腔炎、是否有支原体或衣原体感染之间无相关性。中医体质分布与流产次数、年龄、是否合并盆腔炎、是否有支原体或衣原体感染之间无相关性。4.输卵管性不孕患者中体质分布与中医证型之间存在相关性,两者相互影响。其中,气滞血瘀证中以阳虚质、气郁质、血瘀质三种体质分布为主;肾虚血瘀型以阴虚质、血瘀质、阳虚质三种体质分布为主。
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the common TCM syndrome types and the distribution characteristics of TCM physique in tubal infertile (tubal factor infertility, TFI), and to explore the relationship between TCM syndrome type, TCM physique and related factors, and the correlation between TCM syndrome type and physique. It provides a theoretical basis for syndrome differentiation and prevention and treatment of tubal sterility. Methods: from July 2015 to April 2016, the clinical data of patients diagnosed as tubal infertile in gynecological ward and outpatient department of a affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of traditional Chinese Medicine were collected, including general data such as age, number of miscarriages, TCM syndromes. Physique judgment related situation, etc. Referring to the guiding principles of Clinical Research of New drugs of traditional Chinese Medicine, Standard of TCM Syndrome, Gynecology of traditional Chinese Medicine and Professor Wang Qi's diagnostic criteria of nine points of physique, the syndrome types of TCM and physique were classified according to the diagnostic criteria of nine points of physique. The original data are input into Excel for collation, and SPSS 20.0 is selected for statistical analysis. Results: 1. The distribution of TCM syndromes in 126 patients with TFI was as follows: qi stagnation and blood stasis type 48.4%, kidney deficiency and blood stasis type 32.5%, phlegm and blood stasis type 11.1%, other 4.8%, dampness-heat stasis type 3.2%. The physique distribution of 126 patients with TFI was yang deficiency (19.0%), qi stagnation (18.3%), blood stasis (15.1%), qi deficiency (12.7%), peace (11.9%) and phlegm dampness (7.9%). Yin deficiency (7.9%), dampness and heat (7.2%). 3. In this investigation, kidney deficiency and blood stasis (44.6%), qi stagnation and blood stasis (33.9%), phlegm and blood stasis (16.1%), dampness-heat stasis (3.6%) and others (1.8%) were investigated in 126 patients with TFI abortion history. In patients with pelvic inflammation, qi stagnation and blood stasis (43.3%), kidney deficiency and blood stasis (23.3%), phlegm and blood stasis (20%), dampness and heat stasis (6.7%), The other (6.7%). In patients with UU infection, qi stagnation and blood stasis (52.2%), kidney deficiency and blood stasis (30.4%), phlegm and blood stasis (17.4%), qi stagnation and blood stasis (37.5%), kidney deficiency and blood stasis (37.5%) in patients with CT infection. %) phlegm and blood stasis (12.5%) others (12.5%). 4. In 126 patients with tubal sterility, the syndrome types were as follows: Yang deficiency (29.5%), qi stagnation (19.7%) and blood stasis (14.8%). In the patients with kidney deficiency and blood stasis, yin deficiency, blood stasis and yang deficiency accounted for 19.5%, 14.6% and 12.2% respectively. Conclusion: 1. The main physical types of tubal infertile patients were yang deficiency, qi stagnation and blood stasis. 2. Among the patients with tubal sterility, qi stagnation and blood stasis and kidney deficiency and blood stasis are the most common TCM syndromes. The distribution of TCM syndromes was correlated with the number of miscarriages and the age of patients, and there was no correlation between the distribution of TCM syndromes and the number of miscarriages and the age of patients, and whether there was mycoplasma or chlamydia infection or not. There was no correlation between the physical distribution of traditional Chinese medicine and the number of miscarriages, age, pelvic inflammation, mycoplasma or chlamydia infection. 4. There is a correlation between physique distribution and TCM syndrome type in tubal infertile patients, and the two influence each other. Among them, yang deficiency, qi stagnation and blood stasis were the main physique distribution in qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome, and yin deficiency, blood stasis and yang deficiency were the main types of kidney deficiency and blood stasis.


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