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发布时间:2019-06-27 15:50
[Abstract]:On the basis of previous studies, this paper reexamines the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and science from the perspective of philosophy of science. Life phenomenon is a kind of advanced material existence form in nature, and the understanding of life is based on western science. In fact, the development of western medicine is only three or four hundred years old, but the human understanding of life has accumulated for tens of thousands of years. Some ethnic groups with a deep understanding in this field have also established their own mature theories. Because if there is a disease, there is an understanding of and treatment for human diseases, such as traditional Chinese medicine in China, medicine in India, medicine in Cuba, and so on. These medicine has been proved to be effective in practice, only because of the understanding of life and the way of thinking about the treatment of diseases. Western medicine based on anatomical tests does not follow the same path. To be exact, the way of western medicine to understand life and disease is in line with the science developed in modern times, while the medicine of other nationalities has its own unique ways of understanding, so it also has its own unique views and methods for life and disease. As a result, the collision and friction between traditional medicine and western medicine have occurred, resulting in the question of whether medicine other than western medicine is scientific or not, and the question of scientizing the traditional medicine of other nationalities, that is, using the method of western medicine (or scientific method) to explain the principle of treating diseases in other medicine. This touches on two fundamental questions of philosophy of science: first, is western science since the Renaissance the only way to understand the truth? Second, if the answer is no, what do you think of medicine other than western medicine? Taking traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as the research object, this paper analyzes the development course of traditional Chinese and western medicine and the ways of understanding life and treating diseases from the perspective of the history of scientific development, and reviews the process of conflict and fusion between the two kinds of medicine, and then draws the following conclusions from the perspective of philosophy of science: (1) from the perspective of the development of western science and its basic mechanism, Western science is not the only way to understand the truth. Natural phenomena are complex, especially life phenomena. Traditional Chinese medicine does not have to be science, but from thousands of years of medical practice, traditional Chinese medicine is effective. From the point of view of pragmatism science, it should be recognized in terms of rationality and obtain more room for development. (2) to reach the peak of truth is not only a road for western science (here mainly refers to western medicine). Although traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine are separated at the foot of the mountain, they converge at the top of the mountain. Moreover, the two sides can support and help each other on the way. In the pursuit of truth, they are friends, not enemies. (3) the ability of human beings to grasp the details of nature in modern times is higher than that in ancient times, while in terms of the overall understanding of nature, the ability of ancient times is higher than that of modern times. Western medicine is the result of a detailed understanding of the human body and disease. Other medicine other than western medicine is the wisdom crystallization of human beings to understand life as a whole. Natural science is in the era of paradigm transformation. With the development of nonlinear, fuzzy, chaotic, fractal and other new scientific paradigm, traditional Chinese medicine may become a scientific form in line with the new scientific paradigm. No matter whether this kind of prophecy is realized or not, we should respect the accumulation of human understanding of the world in theory and application practice, and constantly improve the value of serving human beings.


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