[Abstract]:Objective: based on the software of inheritance auxiliary platform of traditional Chinese medicine (v2.5), to collect the prescription of Tibetan medicine in the encyclopedia of Chinese medicine, the modern research and clinical application of Tibetan medicine preparation and the interpretation of common Tibetan proprietary medicine in the treatment of "true brucellosis" in Tibetan medicine and analyze the regularity of its prescription. Methods: the prescription database of Tibetan medicine for the treatment of "true brucellosis" was established by using the auxiliary platform of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, and the drug frequency, common drug combination, prescription law and new prescription analysis were carried out by using the software integrated data mining method. Results: 118 prescriptions for the treatment of "true brucellosis" were selected for analysis, and the frequency of drug use was obtained, and 8 new prescriptions were obtained. The results showed that the drugs used in Tibetan medicine for the treatment of "true brucellosis" were mainly promoting blood circulation and regulating qi, promoting water and removing dampness, Shujin Huoluo and clearing away heat and cooling blood. Conclusion: through the analysis of the data of Tibetan medicine in the treatment of "true brucellosis" through the auxiliary platform of traditional Chinese medicine, the law of drug use in the treatment of "true brucellosis" by Tibetan medicine is clarified, which provides a reference for the clinical treatment of "true brucellosis" and the development of new prescription.
【作者单位】: 成都中医药大学民族医药学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(81274193) 国家社会科学基金项目(13XTQ012)
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