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发布时间:2015-03-15 22:06

Chapter 1 Introduction

Study of the Chinese translation of the British and American poetry in Guilin from1938 to 1944 is of great significance. First of all,this study may help us understand theChinese translation condition of the British and American poetry in Guilin from 1938 to1944 in a comprehensive way, especially in helping us get a clear comprehension of howthe translators translated these poems in such a tough condition. Secondly, ttiis study mayprovide new materials to the modem Chinese translation of the British and Americanpoetry. Thirdly, this study may enrich the treasury of the cultural studies in Guilin duringthe anti-Japanese War. Fourthly,this study may help us further understand the inherentrelationship that the translated British and American poetry played in the Chinese history.Finally, this study may enlarge the Chinese translation achievements of the British andAmerican poetry in China in the first half of the 20 century. Mefliods adopted in this thesis are briefly described as follows:Firstly,data collection is adopted to directly collect,understand and master thefirst-hand literary materials to conduct a carefUl analysis of the translated British andAmerican poetry of the wartime Guilin.Secondly, descriptive method is adopted to describe and analyze the features andtranslating strategies of the Chinese translation of the British and American poetry inwartime .Guilin from different aspects for the purpose of scientifically and accurately-grasping Its intrinsic and objective regularity.The last but not the least, comparative method is used to compare different versionsof the selected British and American poetry. Attempts are also made to find out theirdifferences so as to provide us some specific examples to look for targeted strategies andobtain the scientific and objective conclusions. Since the Chinese translation of British and American poems in wartime Guilin is ofgreat significance and worth our study,this thesis will fostly describe what British andAmerican poems were translated in wartime Guilin. Then discussions will be made todiscover the common features and translating strategies through analyzing somerepresentative versions. Thirdly, this thesis will prove into the value of the Chinesetranslation of the British and American poetry so as to find out its contribution to thecontemporary translated literature and publishing industry and further enrich the culturaltreasures of Chinese literature.Combining the collected materials and data, this thesis might spare no effort to solvethe research questions such as how to collect data and select the source texts and targettexts, how to analyze the features and themes of the selected British and American poetryin the wartime Guilin so as to farther generate its translating skills and strategies andsolve the problem concerning how to extract its value and influence to provide a goodreference to China's translation studies.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Guilin as a Cultural Center in the Wartime
On July 7 1937, the outbreak of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident marked thefull-scale aggression against China of the Japanese imperialists. The whole nation wasbound by a common hatred for the enemy and stood side by side to resist the Japaneseimperialist invaders. In the second half of 1938, Wuhan and Guangzhou weresuccessively occupied by the Japanese invaders. Later, a large number of domesticcultural organizations, publishing houses of book and newspaper, and men of letters fromliterature, art and press circles retreated to Guilin from Shanghai, Wuhan and Guangzhou.Since there were so many scholars, bookstores and publishing houses,a culturallyprosperous scene came into being in Guilin, a small southern city that enjoyed fantasticnatural scenery. “From the autumn of 1938 to that of 1944 during the 6 years' Xiang-guiRetreat,over 1000 writers, artists, reporters and scholars gathered in Guilin." (mytranslation)(李建平,1996: 2). "More than 80 bookstore and publishing houses and 30printing houses were everywhere throughout Guilin with 15 kinds of newspaper, 300kinds of journal and over 1000 literature and art books published(my translation)(潘其旭,1984: 584;钟小枉.1997 : 394-395) With 126 plays, there were nearly 1000performers and theater workers attending in the Play Fair of Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan,Jiangxi and Yunnan that was held from February to May in 1944. (my translation) (李建平,1996: 2;瞿白音等,1984: 406-436) A variety of cultural activities were in full swing.This prosperous cultural condition won for Guilin, a previous city with low culturaldegree the laurel of-“The anti-Japanese war cultural city”。

2.2 Cultural Activities as a Way of Resistance
On December 8 1941, the Japanese surprise attacked the Pearl Harbor andlaunched the Pacific War. In order to avoid the war, the Chinese Communist Partyimmediately assisted more than 800 talents in literature and art and other social sciencesto move from Hong Kong to Guilin. The fruitful literary creations of these talents madeGuilin, the small city in souttiem China that originally was a cultural desert unexpectedlybecome one of the anti-Japanese cultural centers in the Kuomintang controlled areawithin a few months. Progressive cultural organizations, associations and institutions like Guilin branch ofthe All-China's Writers Association for anti-Japanese War, Guilin branch of the ChinaWood Carving Industry Association for anti-Japanese War Southwest branch of theChina Drama Association for anti-Japanese War and Guilin l?ranch of the ChinaJournalist Association for anti-Japanese War have set up one after another like mushrooms after rain. Some national associations such as International News Service i,China Youth Press Association and Life Education Agency also set up theirheadquarters in Guilin.Establishments of the press and magazines were also prosperous in the wartimeGuilin. The only newspaper that was issued in Guilin before the anti-Japanese War wasGuangxi Daily#. In 1938 when Guangzhou and Wuhan were occupied by the Japaneseaggressors, numerous journalists came to Guilin to continue publication of newspapersand magazines. Newspapers that resumed their publication or started their publicationinclude Xinhua Daily (aeronautic edition Sweeping (Guilin edition  Jiuwang Daily,PowerTa Kung Pao" Guilin Evening, Ta Kung Evening Guangxi Eveningi:,Freedom Evening PeopleLittle Spring and Autumn, Truth and Week. “Thenewspapering industry in Guilin thus developed unprecedentedly.(my translation)(李建平,2005:82)

Chapter 2 Literature Review....... 5
2.1 Guilin as a Cultural Center in the Wartime....... 5
2.2 Cultural Activities as a Way of Resistance ............ 6
2.3 Literary Translation: A Brief Introduction.... 8
2.4 Current Studies....... 10
Chapter 3 Study of Chinese Translation of British and American Poems ..........14
3.1 Chinese Translation of British Poems ......14
3.2 Chinese Translation of American Poems .........19
3.3 Studies of Translation Strategies......... 24 

Chapter 4 Discussions of the Features and Value of the Translation...... 42
4.1 Features ......42

Chapter 4 Discussions of the Features and Value of theTranslation

4.1 Features
The most obvious features of the translated British and American poetry in thewartime Guilin is its pvirposefulness, which emphasizes that the Chinese translation ofBritish and American poetry should serve for the present reality.The purposefulness of the translation of British and American poetry into Chinese inthe wartime Guilin finds its representation in the choice of the themes. Plenty of poemsconcerning salvation, patriotism and anti-fascist aggression were translated andintroduced to the wartime Guilin for the first time. The translation of British andAmerican poetry into Chinese in the wartime Guilin can be roughly classified into 3categories: anti-fascist poems, documentary poems and classic poems. The first two makeup the overwhelming majority, which undoubtedly describe the disaster and suffering thatthe war brought to the world people and aims to arouse people's awareness to fight fortheir deserted freedom. Even the third one, the translated classic poems are converted topositive spiritual resources to correlate to the current anti-Japanese war by adding preface,remarks and notes to reflect the democracy, equality, freedom even the yearning for loveand the attack against the dark world were embodied in the poems. Take some translatedpoems that v/ere published in the wartime Guilin as examples. In The Isles of Greece,thepoet describes the outbreak of the Greek independent war to support and yell for theGreek people. The situation in Greece is somewhat like that of China's at that time, thusthe translator chose this poem to render it into Chinese with the will of encouragingChinese people to actively join in the war to struggle for freedom and independence andrealizing the emancipation like people in Greece. In the case of The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock, by showing us a picture of the post-war hesitation and demoralization ofthe western world,it aims at inspiring Chinese people to wake from this dark war andspare no effort to defend our country. In addition,Walt Whitman's I SAW old General at bay is also a short poem with the theme of war. In this poem, an old general wasdescribed to reflect the dark side of the war and encourage the young soldiers tocontinually devote themselves to the war. Moreover, translated by Sun Yong, TheBurial of Sir John Moore at Corunna written by Charles Wolfe and also talks about warthat depicts the mourning of Sir John Moore, an English general in the Napoleonic war.Through the translated poem, excited revolutionary spirit was aroused to add some faithto Chinese people towards the anti-Japanese War.

4.2 Value
Some famous British and American poetry were firstly brought into China from1938 to 1944 when Guilin was involved in the anti-Japanese War. Written by T. S. Eliot,translated by Li Minzi and published in the 16也 issue of Poems on November 25th, 1942in Guilin, The Love Song of J, Alfred Prufrock is the most typical one. Regarded as theclassic of the modernist poetry, Li Minzi's version of this poem is the first one thatappeared in the translation circle in China. Apart from this, American poet HenryWadsworth Longfellow's Blacksmith in the Village was firstly translated by Hu Zhongchi(胡仲持)in China during the anti-Japanese War and published in the 17 issue of Poemin Guilin in the year of 1943. Besides,,some poems of some well-known poets like Shelly,Byron and James Joyce were also translated and introduced to Guilin from 1938 to 1944for the first time. These classic poems' first introduction and translation is ofgroundbreaking significance. It acted as a powerful weapon that granted Chinese people,especially those fighting in Guilin during the anti-Japanese war a good opportunity to getin touch wilh the foreign literature especially the British and AmOTcan poetry, broadenedtheir literary horizon to a new height, arouse their awareness of advanced literature andart and encourage them to fight in the anti-Japanese War in a passionate way. Meanwhile,these pioneering translated poems may bring an outstanding benefit to the research,translation and education of the foreign literature in China.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings of the Study
This thesis gives an overall introduction of the achievements of the translated Britishand American poetry in wartime Guilin and selects Isles of Greece’ The Love Song of J,Alfred Prufrock,I SAW Old General at Bay and Grass,which are four representativetranslated British and American poems from Poems and Half-month Literature to have adetailed analysis respectively, and try to find out the features and translating strategiesused in these three poems. After comparison with some famous versions, this thesis findsthat foreignizaion and rewriting are the main translating strategies using in these four poems for the purpose of letting the target readers get a direct contact with the foreigncultures. In addition,this thesis also figures out how the translated British and Americanpoetry was carried out widely in the academic circles. Apart from the specific analysis ofthe three representative translated British and American poems, this thesis also grants abrief introduction to other translated British and American poems in Guilin during theanti-Japanese war and finds out some similarities of these poems. Then, the thesis comesto the description of some features and values of the translated British and Americanpoetry in the wartime Guilin and concludes that purposefulness, timeliness,popularization, retranslation and flexibility in form and language are the obvious featuresof the translated British and American poetry in Guilin during the anti-Japanese War.Moreover, values of the wartime translated British and American poetry in setting a goodexample of introducing and translating some first-class foreign poems in Chinese history,encouraging Chinese people to fight for the final victory of the anti-Japanese War andenriching China's translation treasury of British and American poetry in the first half ofthe 20th century can also be clearly shown in this thesis.

5.2 Limitation and Prospect of the Study
The research of a subject is a difficult process. It often goes through a process fromwhat is general to what is specific, from what is simple to what is concrete, from what issuperficial to what is profound, from what is incomplete to what is complete, and goesdeeper and deeper. Since most important and valuable data and materials were destroyedand lost in Guilin during the anti-Japanese War, the author of this thesis could not findmore specific information about the translated British and American poetry in the wartimeGuilin, Which makes the thesis incomplete and imperfect. It is a pity to write thib thesiswith such limited materials. At the same time,due to the author's inexperience in writingand limited understanding on the subject, this thesis is inevitably not perfect enough asexpected, which is typically reflected in the deficiency of resources and the inadequateresearch on some relevant problems. A better one can be worked out in later days withfurther understanding and research of the translated British and American poetry activities in Guilin in the period of anti-Japanese War.With the awareness of the national crisis and ethnic consciousness, more and morescholars begin to focus their eyes on the study of the local cultures. This thesis keeps upwith the trend of the times, aiming at arousing people's concern about local culture andimproving the research outcome on it. Thus, the wartime translated literature activities inGuilin is worthy of studying. In the course of writing this thesis, the author finds that somany British and American poets and Chinese translators as well as their works in thewartime Guilin are in the urgent need of studying. This thesis studies the wartimetranslated British and American poetry in Guilin from a macro way. Based on it, furtherstudies about this subject could be conducted and the translated British and Americanpoetry of the wartime Guilin that were published in newspapers, periodicals, magazines,books and supplements could be the valuable materials of further studies. The last but notthe least, the translated British and American poetry in this thesis mainly concentrates onintroducing and analyzing some famous writers like Byron, Eliot, Whitman and Shelleyand some famous translators like Zong Wei, Li Minzi, Chen Shihuai and Meng Jing'anand their works respectively. But their works' reception in the wartime Guilin was notmentioned in this thesis. So, this point could be studied in a detailed way. Meanwhile,other countries like America, Russia, Czech Republic and some fascist nations' poemswere not covered in this thesis, which still remains a valuable area for further research.Hence,the prospect of this field of study is promising and hopeful for there are stilluncovered fields for us to make a comprehensive research and study.






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