发布时间:2018-03-07 20:02
本文选题:虚假自白 切入点:侦查人员 出处:《西南政法大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:虚假自白是司法心理学的重要内容,但不仅仅局限于司法心理学的范畴,它还是导致冤假错案的一个直接原因。近几十年来,虚假自白理论在西方国家得到了迅速的发展,并已逐渐成为指导侦查讯问实践的核心依据。在我国,对于虚假自白的理论研究还处于发端时期,但司法实践中由虚假自白带来的问题却早已成为人们关注的热点,理论与实践的脱节导致立法的落后、司法中的错案频频,并且,虚假自白的产生方式逐渐由对犯罪嫌疑人的身体强制转向心理强制,在人权呼声高涨的今天,若再不加大对虚假自白的研究力度,中国面临的将不仅仅是几桩错案的问题,而是整个法治进程的倒退。笔者阅读了大量的外国文献,参考了许多侦查讯问实例案件,在对虚假自白的形成因素进行归纳总结后,着重构建了防范中国司法实践中存在的虚假自白的制度框架。笔者对立法上的些许完善建议,,希望对司法实践有所帮助。 本文除引言之外分为三个部分。第一部分是虚假自白的概述。该部分首先通过比较西方各国对“自白”的内涵和外延的界定,阐述了符合中国法治环境的准确定义,即犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对有罪事实的承认,这是虚假自白的应有范畴;其次,对虚假自白进行了分类,即自愿型虚假自白、压迫-依从型虚假自白、压迫-内化型虚假自白;最后,从立法和实践上简要的分析了虚假自白的研究价值。 第二部分是虚假自白的形成原因。这是文章想表达的主要内容之一,本部分对不同类型的虚假自白的形成原因进行了详细的分析。固然,虚假自白的形成是多方面因素综合作用的结果,但目前中国司法实践中存在的主要是导致压迫-依从型虚假自白产生的因素—讯问环境和讯问方式。笔者通过对国内司法实践中具体案例的分析,来揭示压迫-依从型虚假自白是如何一步步形成的。压迫-内化型虚假自白主要讲的是侦查人员通过一定的讯问策略和技巧对犯罪嫌疑人进行心理强制,而使其相信自己真实的犯了罪,这种情况在目前中国的司法实践中是比较少见的,相信不少学者会对其做更深刻的研究。 文章第三部分探讨的是虚假自白的防范机制。诚然,前两部分的论述都是为这部分服务的,我们对理论的分析终归要落实到实际问题上来。针对不同类型的虚假自白的形成原因,都会有相应的解决机制。但正如第二部分提到的一样,要解决中国司法实践中出现的问题,当务之急就是要解决压迫-依从型虚假自白中的讯问环境和方式的问题,这也是本部分论述的主要方向。本部分从立法上对讯问时间、地点进行规制,通过沉默权制度、律师在场权制度的运行,最终确立了证据的相互印证规则,从而层层递进式的对虚假自白进行防范。
[Abstract]:False confession is an important part of judicial psychology, but it is not limited to the category of judicial psychology. It is also a direct cause of false and false cases. In recent decades, the theory of false confessions has developed rapidly in western countries. In our country, the theoretical research on false confessions is still in its infancy, but the problems caused by false confessions in judicial practice have long been the focus of attention. The disconnection between theory and practice leads to the backwardness of legislation, the frequent wrong cases in the administration of justice, and the emergence of false confessions is gradually changing from the physical compulsion of criminal suspects to the psychological compulsion. Today, the voice of human rights is high. If we do not increase our research on false confessions, China will not only face the problem of several wrong cases, but also the retrogression of the whole process of ruling by law. After summing up the forming factors of false confessions, the author puts emphasis on constructing the institutional framework of preventing false confessions in judicial practice in China. The author makes some suggestions to improve the legislation, hoping to be helpful to the judicial practice. This paper is divided into three parts besides the introduction. The first part is an overview of false confessions. Firstly, by comparing the definitions of the connotation and extension of "confession" in western countries, the author expounds the accurate definition which conforms to the legal environment of China. That is, the criminal suspect and the defendant admit the guilty facts, which is the category of false confessions. Secondly, it classifies false confessions, that is, voluntary false confessions, oppressed and obedient false confessions, oppressed and internalized false confessions, and then classifies false confessions into three categories: voluntary false confessions, oppressed and obedient false confessions, oppressed and internalized false confessions. Finally, the research value of false confession is briefly analyzed in legislation and practice. The second part is the formation of false confessions. This is one of the main contents of the article, this part of the different types of false confessions are analyzed in detail. The formation of false confessions is the result of a combination of factors, But at present, what exists in the judicial practice in China is mainly the factors that lead to the false confessions of oppressive and compliance type-interrogation environment and interrogation methods. The author analyzes the specific cases in the domestic judicial practice. To reveal how the oppression-compliance false confessions are formed step by step. The main point of the oppressive and internalized false confessions is that the investigators impose psychological compulsion on the suspects through certain interrogation strategies and techniques. It is rare for them to believe that they have actually committed a crime in the current judicial practice in China. I believe many scholars will do more profound research on it. The third part of the article discusses the prevention mechanism of false confessions. Our analysis of the theory has to be carried out to practical problems. There are corresponding solutions to the causes of different types of false confessions. But as mentioned in the second part, In order to solve the problems in China's judicial practice, the urgent task is to solve the problem of interrogation environment and methods in oppressive and compliance false confessions, which is also the main direction of this part. Through the system of the right to silence and the operation of the system of lawyers' right to be present, the rules of mutual confirmation of evidence are established and the false confessions are prevented.
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