当代中国户籍制度法理释义.pdf 全文免费在线阅读
网友beny00001近日为您收集整理了关于从身份到契约——当代中国户籍制度法理释义的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:硕士学位论文从身份到契约——当代中国户籍制度的法理释义From Status to Contract—Jurisprudent Analysis on the CensusRegister Law in Modern China作者姓名: 王赞锋指导教师: 林国华教授西南政法大学Southwest University of Political Science and Law1内容摘要本论文的目的正如题目所示,意欲参酌梅因爵士“从身份到契约”的进步社会之运动规律,从法理角度研讨当代中国户籍制度之现状及有关问题。肇始于计划经济的当代中国户籍制度是我国一项重要的行政法律制度。它曾在维持社会、经济秩序等方面起了十分重大的作用。然而,随着社会的不断发展,特别是我国社会主义市场经济的逐渐完善,城乡分割的二元户籍法律制度的局限性也日益突出,因为它严重违背了《中华人民共和国宪法》第三十三条:“中华人民共和国公民在法律面前一律平等”的规定。概而言之,现行的户籍法律制度人为划分人们之间的等级差异,强化个人差别待遇为特点,已明显不适应中国特色社会主义市场经济建设的发展要求。我们今天在社会生活里于户籍方面遭(来源:[])遇到的诸多困扰,意味着这个现行制度已经暴露出越来越多的问题。具体来说,体现在几个方面:一、户籍管理缺位带来预期目标与实际效果的偏离;二、现实生活中职业与身份的分离产生社会实体性农民与制度设置性农民的角色错位;三、阻碍、延缓了我国城镇化与农村人口重心转移;四、对我国市场经济发展中城乡劳动力的分割导致了人力资源的配置失衡。除了引言介绍,全文分为三大部分。本文第一部分首先阐述了中国语境下的户籍概念及其悠久历史。接着探讨了当代中国户籍制度的法律生成。重点论述了户籍制度在当代中国的是被“发现”,而非 1958 年1 月 9 日的《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》一纸所制定的这一新颖观点。在第二部分中,笔者分析了当代中国户籍法律制度的现状及导致的问题。全文第三部分则以梅因爵士《古代法》的启示为开导,以“从身份到契约”为路径,对当代中国户籍制度进行法理释义。本章为全文重点。关键词:户籍;身份;契约;法理释义1AbstractThe purpose of the thesis is trying to give(来源:[]) a jurisprudent analysis on the census registerlaw in modern China by discussing Henry S. Maine’s Ancient Law, especially the meaning ofthe word “from Status to Contract” in it. Based on the background of old times' plannedeconomy, the census register law in modern China is an important administrative law systemof China. It takes an important role in proving identity, keeping social stability andconstructing economy.However, with the progress of so(来源:[])ciety and the progress of China’s socialist marketeconomy system, limitations of the current two-dimension system of census register law thatcuts apart in urban and rural areas affect our countries economic progress. Because itcontravenes the Article 33 of Constitution of the People's Republic of China: All citizens ofthe People's Republic of China are equal before the law.Generally speaking, the system of the census register law differentiates peo(来源:[])ple accordingto their rank difference and takes strengthening individual discrimination as its characteristic,is no longer suitable to the requests in constructing socialist market economy with Chinesecharacteristics.Today, we confront many puzzles about census registration, which means more andmore problems have been exposed in the present system.To be more specific, they mainly embody in the following four respects:Firstly, the management vacancy(来源:[]) of census registration system brings about deviationsbetween anticipated targets and the actual effect;Secondly, the separation of occupation and status produces the role dislocation of socialentity farmers and the system establishment farmers in realistic life;Thirdly, it has hindered and delayed our country's city transformation and the shift ofrural population center of gravity;
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