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right of consent 在 医药卫生方针政策与法律法规研究 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-30 12:03







right of consent

  • 同意权(3)

        On Right of Consent for Patients Renouncing Medical Treatment—With Legal Analysis of Life Pre enjoinment



        The Patients’Right of Consent and the Nurses’Obligation to Inform



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    In the field of renunciation of medical treatment, it is a basic principle to respect the patient's right of consent. The consent from the relatives cannot represent the basic interest of the patient. The establishment of life pre enjoinment ensures the integrity of the right of the patient. Life pre enjoinment should conform to the principles of law. It is endowed with legal restraint and serves as useful evidence for the doctor. Hospital administration should encourage the patient...

    In the field of renunciation of medical treatment, it is a basic principle to respect the patient's right of consent. The consent from the relatives cannot represent the basic interest of the patient. The establishment of life pre enjoinment ensures the integrity of the right of the patient. Life pre enjoinment should conform to the principles of law. It is endowed with legal restraint and serves as useful evidence for the doctor. Hospital administration should encourage the patient to leave life pre enjoinment since it has important practical and legal significance in avoiding medical lawsuits and safeguarding the patient's right.

    在放弃治疗领域 ,尊重病人的同意权是一项基本准则。亲属同意往往不能代表病人的根本利益 ,制定生命预嘱能确保病人权利的完整性。生命预嘱必须符合法理原则 ,生命预嘱有法律拘束力 ,可以作为医师免责的有力证据。医院管理者应该鼓励病人制定生命预嘱 ,因为它既避免了医疗纠纷 ,又保障了病人的权利 ,有重要的现实意义和法律意义






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