conflict roles Quebec Civil Code choice of law for foreign
Review on Quebec International Private Law: From the Perspective of Improvement of Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-Related Civil Relationships of China
[1] [2]
Zheng Jianing , Gerald Goldstein
[1]中国政法大学民商经济法学; [2]加拿大蒙特利尔大学
Abstr:Quebec International Private Law and Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relationships of China are both traditional and innovative. In this paper, modeled on Book Ten "Private International Law", Quebec Civil Code, we are going to a comparative research of the two laws from the general rules to the specific rules which includes personal law, real law and law of obligations. Quebec International Private Law is more in line with the basic concepts of respecting to the free will of the parties, protecting the interests of the special groups of the civil relations and keeping a balance between public order and transaction order in the legislation system regarding the basic principles of the provisions of the conflict, the establishment of the type of conflict rules, the selection of the connecting factors and definition of relevant concepts, etc. At the same time, on the basis of the recognition of the efforts of innovation in the Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relationships of China, this paper comments and reviews the law' s basic system and related rules in order to provide clear specific standards of handling foreign- related civil legal relationship to Chinese judges and scholars, but also provide new ideas to build China' s open and modem International private law.
Keyword::conflict roles Quebec Civil Code choice of law for foreign-related civil relationships comparative research