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发布时间:2018-01-23 03:34

  本文关键词: 人口积分制 流动人口管理 城市管理 出处:《重庆社会科学》2016年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Integral management system is based on international migration management model, combined with local practice gradually formed in the domestic city of immigrants (floating population) management model, by integrating the quantitative index system to construct a scientific, guiding foreign population by constantly improve their own quality to obtain the corresponding points, and according to the integral corresponding public service without treatment. The abolition of the existing household registration system, score management of floating population created a household management non welfare, non treatment of the road of reform, to meet the practical needs of three yuan to improve the social structure. The future with the establishment of floating population service management institution, the residence permit for the floating population management system to the carrier. The ID card as the carrier of the migration management system, the floating population in the social management mechanism into the localization, the contribution is the core of the public service The equal management mechanism, based on the matching reform of the land ticket compensation mechanism and other related fields based on the transfer of farmers' land rights and interests, the urban floating population management system will usher in a new era of systematic integration and upgrading.

【作者单位】: 杭州国际城市学研究中心;
【正文快照】: 作者单位杭州国际城市学研究中心浙江杭州310002Li Mingchao*该标题为《重庆社会科学》编辑部改定标题,作者原标题为《基于积分制的城市城市人口管理包括户籍人口管理和外来人口管理两方面,涉及人口登记、户籍管理、权益保障、计划生育等内容。国内对外来人口的管理方式主要有


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