发布时间:2018-03-01 18:02
本文关键词: 恩里科.菲利 犯罪三元论 刑罚替代措施 青少年犯罪 犯治 出处:《贵州大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 近年来,青少年犯罪无论从案发数量还是社会危害性都变的越来越严重,日益成为社会、学校、家庭关注的焦点。联合国已经把青少年犯罪、毒品犯罪和环境污染并称为世界三大公害。如何解决这个棘手的问题呢?心理学家、社会学家、法学家等给出了各种各样的答案。恩里科.菲利是19世纪著名的实证主义犯罪学家,针对犯罪原因、犯罪饱和现象、犯罪防治对策等提出了自己独到的见解,对后世的刑事法学的理论和刑事实践就起到了很大的促进作用。本文试图运用恩里科.菲利的犯罪学思想中重点精华部分来剖析目前国内的青少年犯罪问题,当然恩里科.菲利所处的时空条件和现在对比已经发生了根本的变化,完全照搬是不现实的,因此在使用他的犯罪学思想分析国内青少年问题的时候会考虑现时代的具体境况。
[Abstract]:In recent years, juvenile delinquency has become more and more serious in terms of both the number of cases and the social harmfulness. It has increasingly become the focus of attention of the society, schools and families. The United Nations has taken juvenile delinquency as its focus. Drug crime and environmental pollution are known as the world's three major public hazards. How to solve this thorny problem? Psychologists, sociologists, jurists, etc., give all kinds of answers. Enrico Felix is a famous positivist criminologist in 19th century. The countermeasures of crime prevention and control put forward their own unique opinions, The theory and practice of criminal law in later generations have been greatly promoted. This paper tries to use the key essence of Enrico Ferry's criminology thought to analyze the problems of juvenile delinquency in China at present. Of course, Enrico Felix's space-time condition has changed fundamentally from the present contrast, so it is not realistic to copy it completely, so he will consider the specific situation of the present time when using his criminological thought to analyze the domestic youth problems.
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