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发布时间:2018-03-04 05:03

  本文选题:刑侦民警 切入点:考核体系 出处:《中国政法大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 刑侦民警是公安机关打击犯罪的主体,也是维护社会稳定的重要力量。构建科学的刑侦民警考核体系,不但能够激发刑警队伍的内在活力,形成一种奋发向上、积极进取的竞争择优氛围,而且对于推进刑侦队伍正规化、现代化和集约化管理,全面提升刑侦工作水平和队伍战斗力具有重要意义。加强对刑侦民警绩效考核机制研究,既是降低警力资源成本,提升警务效能的客观要求,也是现代警务绩效管理发展的必然趋势。 本文以天津市公安刑事侦查局多年来对刑侦民警考核工作的实践成果为基础,以绩效考核管理理论为指导,运用定性与定量相结合,系统分析和文献研究等方法,归纳整理了国内外相关领域的研究现状及动态,阐述了刑侦民警人力资源的特点、绩效考核管理的基本理论及发展趋势,并立足实际,分析了天津市刑侦民警绩效考核现状和存在的问题。本研究的核心内容是从职位分析入手,运用KPI(关键绩效指标)绩效考核方法,设计刑侦民警绩效考核指标体系。在此基础上,将绩效考核和警务督察职能有机结合,探索建立督察考核一体化绩效管理机制,旨在构建起符合天津公安刑侦工作实际,操作性强的民警绩效考核体系和机制,进一步提升刑侦民警队伍科学管理水平,实现向管理要警力、要素质,要战斗力。
[Abstract]:The criminal investigation police is the main body of the public security organs in cracking down on crime and is also an important force in maintaining social stability. The construction of a scientific evaluation system for the criminal investigation police not only can stimulate the inherent vitality of the criminal police force, but also form a kind of striving forward. The positive and enterprising competitive atmosphere is of great significance for promoting the formalization, modernization and intensive management of the criminal investigation team, promoting the level of the criminal investigation work and the fighting effectiveness of the team in an all-round way, and strengthening the research on the performance appraisal mechanism of the criminal investigation police. It is not only the objective requirement of reducing the cost of police resources and improving the efficiency of policing, but also the inevitable trend of the development of modern police performance management. This paper is based on the practical achievements of Tianjin Public Security Criminal investigation Bureau for the evaluation of criminal investigation police over the years, and under the guidance of the theory of performance appraisal management, using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, systematic analysis and literature research. This paper summarizes the current research situation and trends in related fields at home and abroad, expounds the characteristics of human resources of criminal investigation police, the basic theory and development trend of performance appraisal management, and bases itself on practice. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of performance appraisal of criminal investigation police in Tianjin. The core content of this study is to start with position analysis and apply KPI (key performance index) performance appraisal method. This paper designs the performance evaluation index system of criminal investigation police. On the basis of this, combining the performance appraisal with police inspector function organically, the paper explores the establishment of an integrated performance management mechanism of inspector evaluation in order to build up a system that conforms to the reality of criminal investigation work in Tianjin. The system and mechanism of police performance appraisal with strong maneuverability can further improve the scientific management level of criminal investigation police team, and realize the demand of police force, quality and combat effectiveness from management.


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