本文选题:社会治安防控 切入点:治安 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The construction of the social security prevention and control system has become a concerned safety project after the 18 National Congress of the Party. At the same time, "social security prevention and control system" has also become a very popular professional word. From the perspective of the overall situation, the central authorities require that the social security prevention and control system be included in the overall plan for social development and the national economy. In recent years, all provinces and cities throughout the country have made this work a key project in the construction of peaceful China. The establishment of various modes is in the ascendant, and the local public security departments are exploring the local reality and reality. As a new concept, the social security prevention and control system is indeed worth summing up in theory and practice. There are different characteristics in the process of promoting the construction of this system, and there are many experiences and practices that need to be learned and summarized. This paper is based on the relevant theories of the social security prevention and control system. From the angle of the government's comprehensive management of social security, the problems existing in the operation of this system in Hohhot City are analyzed in detail. The first part of this paper mainly expounds the relevant theories of social security prevention and control. The second part of the paper from the development of Huhhot City public security prevention and control system development process, the construction of the prevention and control system and the effectiveness of the effectiveness of the Hohhot City social security prevention and control of the status quo was considered; The third part of the paper will focus on the current Huhhot City system construction, showing the existing problems, and deeply analyze the reasons; the last part of the paper for the aforementioned problems and reasons to give solutions to the problem, This paper puts forward some thoughts on how to further strengthen the prevention and control system of public order in Hohhot.
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