本文选题:职务犯 切入点:特征分析 出处:《兰州大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 进入21世纪以来,随着我国职务犯罪的增多,针对我国职务犯管理与教育改造的理论研究也越来越多,但从总体来讲尚处于探索阶段。当前,我国正处于改革发展的关键期,国际环境复杂多变,国内各种社会矛盾丛集,如何加强对职务犯的管理与教育改造,更加充分地发挥一般预防和特殊预防的作用,对加强党风廉政建设,提高党拒腐防变和抵御风险的能力,进一步提高党的领导水平和执政水平意义十分重大。与其他类型的罪犯相比,职务犯有其自身特点,他们具有文化程度较高、年龄偏大、体质较弱、维权意识较高、社会背景复杂等特点,对正常的监狱执法工作有一定的干扰,比如对正常的会见、送物等监管制度冲击较大,对减刑、假释等司法工作也会有一定的隐性干预,因此,监狱在依法对职务犯实施惩罚管制的前提下,必须从管教职务犯的实际需要出发,总结职务犯改造的基本经验和规律,加强对职务犯的管理与教育改造,使惩罚管制、劳动改造、教育改造相互渗透、相互促进,达到对职务犯教育改造的目的。 笔者根据有关专家、学者的学术成果,结合本人的监狱管理工作实践,从以下四章展开研究论述:第一章分析职务犯的一般特征、心理特征和改造特征;第二章分析职务犯管理改造现状,总结职务犯管理改造的经验和规律;第三章分析当前职务犯管理改造工作中存在的主要问题,主要从对职务犯的分押分管,对职务犯的管理与教育改造、劳动改造,对职务犯监管改造的执法监察等方面进行探讨,条分缕析,层层深入,总结管理改造职务犯的得失;第四章就如何进一步加强对职务犯的管理改造进行研究探讨,分析问题,提出对策建议。
[Abstract]:Since 21th century, with the increase of job-related crimes in China, there are more and more theoretical studies on the management and educational reform of job-related offenders in China, but on the whole, they are still in the exploratory stage. At present, China is in the critical period of reform and development. The international environment is complex and changeable, and there are various social contradictions in our country. How to strengthen the management and educational reform of job-related offenders, to give full play to the role of general prevention and special prevention, and to strengthen the building of a clean and honest party style, It is of great significance to improve the Party's ability to resist corruption and reform and to resist risks, and to further improve the Party's level of leadership and governance. Compared with other types of criminals, their posts are guilty of their own characteristics, and they have a higher education level and an older age. Weak physique, high awareness of safeguarding rights, complex social background, and so on, which have certain interference with normal prison law enforcement work, such as a greater impact on the normal system of supervision, such as meeting, sending objects, and commutation of sentence. Judicial work, such as parole, will also have some hidden interference. Therefore, under the premise of carrying out punishment and control over duty offenders according to law, prisons must sum up the basic experience and laws of the reform of duty offenders from the actual needs of disciplining them. Strengthen the management and education reform of duty criminals, make punishment control, labor reform and education reform infiltrate each other, promote each other, and achieve the purpose of education reform of duty offenders. According to the academic achievements of relevant experts and scholars, combined with my prison management practice, the author studies and discusses from the following four chapters: the first chapter analyzes the general characteristics, psychological characteristics and reform characteristics of job-related offenders; The second chapter analyzes the current situation of the management reform of duty offenders, summarizes the experience and law of the management reform of duty offenders, the third chapter analyzes the main problems existing in the management and reform of duty offenders, mainly from the separate custody of duty offenders, This paper probes into the management and educational reform of duty criminals, the reform of labor, the law enforcement and supervision of the supervision and reform of duty offenders, etc., analyzes on the basis of the analysis, and sums up the gains and losses of the duty offenders in the management reform. Chapter 4th discusses how to further strengthen the management and reform of job-related offenders, analyzes the problems, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.
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