本文选题:孙子兵法 切入点:社会治安防控 出处:《华东政法大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:孙子曰:“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。”和平时期,国家安危,公安系于一半。维护稳定、惩治犯罪、控制治安,如同用兵打仗,必须斗智斗勇。当前,上海社会治安总体保持稳定,但治安形势仍然较为严峻,影响社会和谐稳定的因素还大量存在。而公安民警占人口总量的比例已高于全国平均水平,警力增长空间有限。上海公安工作要实现可持续发展,就必须走内涵式、集约化的发展道路,即更加注重警力使用的成本和效益,更加注重公安谋略的研究和运用,更加注重提高广大民警尤其是各级领导干部的战略战术水平,在科学用警、高效用警、出奇制胜、以智取胜上动脑筋、下功夫,切实提高民警的谋略水平和应变能力。本文借鉴《孙子兵法》的基本原理,就如何运用谋略加强新形势下的社会治安防控作了一些理论探索。 本文分为四个部分,结合实际工作中的案件和事例,深入讨论了如何将《孙子兵法》运用于社会治安防控。笔者以近期发生的菲律宾人质劫持实践为出发点,总结了菲警方在此次实践中的经验教训,强调了在治安防控中谋略运用的重要性。文章第一部分论述了《孙子兵法》的中心思想及主要内容,简要介绍了《孙子兵法》的理论价值和思想体系;第二部分论述了当前社会治安防控的基本要素及当前存在的问题,具体阐述当前社会治安问题的表现形式,治安防控的基本理念和公安部门存在的问题;第三部分详细分析了《孙子兵法》运用于社会治安防控的可行性,分别从指导思想、工作过程规律和原理三方面阐述了《孙子兵法》与社会治安防控工作的契合之处,同时讨论了社会治安防控中需要处理的五大关系;最后一部分,在前文的理论基础之上,笔者以《孙子兵法》中的几条计谋为例,具体阐述了《孙子兵法》如何应用于社会治安防控实践。
[Abstract]:Sun Tzu said, "the soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place where they die and the place where they live, and the way of survival and death cannot be ignored." in times of peace, the security of the country is in danger, and public security is in half. To maintain stability, punish crime, and control public order, as in the battle of war with soldiers, one must be wise and brave. In general, the public order in Shanghai remains stable, but the public security situation is still grim, and the factors affecting social harmony and stability still exist in large numbers. The proportion of public security police in the total population is already higher than the national average. The police force growth space is limited. In order to realize the sustainable development of the public security work in Shanghai, we must take an implicit and intensive development path, that is, pay more attention to the cost and benefit of the use of the police force, and pay more attention to the research and application of the public security strategy. We should pay more attention to improving the strategic and tactical level of the majority of police, especially leading cadres at all levels, and make great efforts to use the police scientifically, to be highly effective, to win by surprise, and to use our brains and efforts to win with wisdom. This article draws lessons from the basic principle of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and makes some theoretical exploration on how to use strategy to strengthen the prevention and control of social public order under the new situation. This article is divided into four parts, combined with practical cases and examples, how to apply the Art of War of Sun Tzu to the prevention and control of public security is discussed in depth. The author takes the recent practice of hostage taking in the Philippines as the starting point. This paper summarizes the experience and lessons of the Philippine police in this practice, and emphasizes the importance of the strategy in the prevention and control of public order. The first part of the article discusses the central idea and main contents of the Art of War of Sun Tzu. This paper briefly introduces the theoretical value and ideological system of the Art of War of Sun Tzu. The second part discusses the basic elements of the prevention and control of the current social security and the existing problems, and expounds in detail the manifestation of the current social security problems. The basic concept of public security prevention and control and the problems existing in public security departments. The third part analyzes in detail the feasibility of applying the "Sun Tzu Art of War" to the prevention and control of public security, respectively from the guiding ideology. This paper expounds the agreement between Sun Tzu's Art of War and the work of prevention and control of public security from three aspects of the law and principle of work process, and discusses the five relations that need to be dealt with in the prevention and control of social security, the last part, on the basis of the previous theory, Taking several tactics in the Art of War of Sun Tzu as an example, the author expounds how to apply them to the practice of public security prevention and control.
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