本文选题:合成作战 切入点:机制 出处:《山东警察学院学报》2017年06期
[Abstract]:Under the new situation, the establishment of a combined combat mechanism against crime, which is guided by the demand for investigation, will improve the overall effectiveness of preventing, combating and controlling criminal crimes, and actively respond to the new changes, new laws and new characteristics of criminal crimes under the new situation.It is of great significance to activate the police force, information, technology and means resources to the maximum extent. The public security organs at all levels in the S province are in accordance with the "Integration of information resources, major cases, support for a series of cases, cluster campaign organization, early warning of security risks,"The goal of the overall transfer and coordination of litigation, which should be actively explored according to the local conditions, is of great value for reference and popularization in the construction of synthetic operational mechanism.However, it should be noted that at present, the establishment and operation of this mechanism is still in the exploratory stage, and some problems will inevitably arise in the aspects of operation mechanism, safeguard measures, etc. It is necessary to establish a scientific operating mechanism and a mechanism for integrating resources.Strengthen professional team construction, perfect supporting safeguard mechanism and other measures to perfect.
【作者单位】: 山东警察学院侦查系;
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