本文选题:总体安全观 + 国家主流意识形态大众化 ; 参考:《内蒙古社会科学(汉文版)》2017年01期
[Abstract]:The general security concept put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping is the guiding concept of the national security concept in the new period of our country. It enriches and extends the connotation and extension of the Marxist national security concept, and is conducive to all directions and a wide range of fields. To ensure the dominant position of the national mainstream ideology in many ways, and with the increasing weight of Internet security in the field of national security, with the overall security concept as the theoretical direction, It is particularly important to strengthen the supervision of network ideological security, which leads to a general consensus that there can be no national security without Internet security. For this reason, the state should not only safeguard the sovereign security of the geographical world, but also safeguard the political security of the Internet world, especially the security of the mainstream ideology of the Internet. In this case, The virtual space of the Internet has become the same as the real space of Marxism popularization communication platform, but also constructed the virtual communication and the reality of the two mass communication network. Therefore, our country should take the overall security concept as the theoretical guide, pay more attention to the virtualization dissemination of the national mainstream ideology popularization on the diversified platform of the Internet.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古大学马克思主义学院;
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