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发布时间:2018-05-08 20:11

  本文选题:以人为本 + 公安执法 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 我国经济社会发展正处于一个快速前进的时期,科技进步日新月异,人民生活水平日益提高,在全球金融危机的背景下,亦难掩中国光芒;同时,这也是一个社会矛盾的凸显期,各种新的社会矛盾和社会热点不断涌现,侵民、扰民、与民夺利事件不断发生。在这样一个敏感关键时期,大力提倡践行“以人为本”思想,维护人民群众的根本利益,是时代的呼声,是时代的要求,在金融危机爆发的今天,更显迫切。 公安机关是维护社会和谐稳定的重要力量,在公安执法中更应该落实“以人为本”的思想理念。本文从四个方面对这一问题进行了探索、阐述,试图理清“以人为本”思想的基本内涵,分析公安执法中存在的问题,找出公安机关践行“以人为本”思想的清晰思路,以便于公安机关更好的履行职责,担当使命。 本文第一部分主要介绍了“以人为本”思想的基本内涵及其历史传承轨迹。“以人为本”并不是一种崭新的思想和理念,它在我国有极其深厚的历史文化渊源,浸润着我国古代哲人的思想光辉。本部分简单回顾了我国历史上几位著名的思想家、哲学家对这一思想的提出、丰富和发展;分析了我们今天所提出的“以人为本”与我国古代的民本思想和西方的人本主义的联系和区别,以期对“以人为本”思想有一个准确的认识和理解。 在第二部分,主要阐述了“以人为本”思想在公安执法中的重要意义,本文从六个不同的层面和角度对这一问题进行了剖析和阐述,深刻认识“以人为本”思想在公安执法中的重要性和迫切性,是在公安执法中践行“以人为本”思想的前提,也是本部分的主要写作目的。 第三部分,首先总结了近些年来公安机关及其人民警察在执法中存在的问题和背离“以人为本”思想的诸种现象,共总结了九个方面的问题;从客观方面、主观方面和传统执法思想的影响三个方面对公安执法存在诸种问题的原因进行了探析,作者希望找出问题背后的深层次原因,发现解决问题的良方。 在本文第四部分,作者主要思考了如何在公安执法活动中践行“以人为本”思想,提出了自己的想法和建议。从端正执法思想、创新工作机制、规范执法行为、强化执法监督四个方面进行了思考和阐述,提出了一些颇有深度的意见和建议。
[Abstract]:China's economic and social development is in a period of rapid progress. With the rapid progress of science and technology, the people's living standards are improving day by day. In the context of the global financial crisis, it is also difficult to hide the light of China; at the same time, This is also a prominent period of social contradictions, all kinds of new social contradictions and social hot spots continue to emerge, invading the people, disturbing the people, and taking advantage of the people. In such a sensitive and critical period, it is the voice of the times and the requirements of the times to vigorously advocate the practice of the "people-oriented" thought and to safeguard the fundamental interests of the masses of the people. Today, when the financial crisis breaks out, it is even more urgent. Public security organ is an important force to maintain social harmony and stability. This paper probes into this problem from four aspects, expounds it, tries to clarify the basic connotation of the thought of "people-oriented", analyzes the problems existing in the law enforcement of public security, and finds out the clear way of thinking that the public security organs practice the thought of "people-oriented". In order to facilitate the public security organs to better perform their duties and take on the mission. The first part of this paper mainly introduces the basic connotation and historical heritage of "people-oriented" thought. "People-oriented" is not a new thought and idea, it has a profound historical and cultural origin in our country, and infiltrates the brilliant thought of ancient philosophers in our country. This part briefly reviews several famous thinkers and philosophers in the history of our country to put forward, enrich and develop this thought; This paper analyzes the relationship and difference between "people-oriented" and "people-oriented" thought in ancient China and humanism in the West, in order to have an accurate understanding and understanding of "people-oriented" thought. In the second part, it mainly expounds the important significance of "people-oriented" in the law enforcement of public security, and this paper analyzes and expounds this problem from six different levels and angles. To deeply understand the importance and urgency of the thought of "people-oriented" in the law enforcement of public security is the premise of practicing the idea of "people-oriented" in the law enforcement of public security, and is also the main purpose of this part. The third part first summarizes the problems existing in the law enforcement of public security organs and their people's police in recent years and the phenomena that deviate from the thought of "people-oriented", and sums up nine problems from the objective aspect. This paper probes into the causes of various problems in public security law enforcement from the subjective aspects and the influence of traditional law enforcement thoughts. The author hopes to find out the deep reasons behind the problems and to find out the good ways to solve the problems. In the fourth part of this paper, the author mainly thinks about how to practice the "people-oriented" thought in the law enforcement activities of public security, and puts forward his own ideas and suggestions. From four aspects of correct law enforcement thought, innovation work mechanism, standardizing law enforcement behavior and strengthening law enforcement supervision, this paper puts forward some deep opinions and suggestions.


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