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发布时间:2018-05-12 05:53

  本文选题:社会治安服务 + 有效供给 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 社会治安服务是指社会治安服务供给主体依照当前我国相关法律法规的要求所进行的一切维护社会治安秩序的行为。从经济属性上而言,社会治安服务属于地方公共物品范畴,在一定空间范围具有消费的非排他性、非竞争性及效用的不可分割性等属性特征,难以避免“免费搭便”问题的存在。除此之外,社会治安服务还具有一些不同于一般公共物品的特性,如覆盖面广、有时需要借助暴力性控制手段等。由于政府拥有巨大的财政支撑和动员社会资源的能力,同时又具有广泛的社会代表性,因此,社会治安服务的供给一直是政府治理领域中的一项重要内容。有效的社会治安服务供给往往被视为是政府“善治”的表现。在现代社会中,良好的社会治安环境不仅能有效提升全体社会成员的生存和生活质量,不断增进全社会整体福利水平,而且能通过有效保护私人资本、公共资本以及人力资本的安全,促进国家和社会的社会经济发展。因此,社会治安环境的优劣已成为衡量一个国家(或地区)社会经济发展水平的一项重要参考指标。当前,我国正处于经济体制转轨、社会转型的特殊历史时期,面临的国际国内治安环境十分复杂。如何应对复杂治安环境下公众的多元化社会治安服务需求,打造安定有序的社会治安环境,是一项值得我们深思的现实课题。 显然,在短期内,政府或民间社会组织对社会治安服务的成本投入往往是比较固定的,或者说伴随经济增长速度按照固定的速度增长。因此,本文的主要研究目的就是,对社会治安服务有效供给问题进行理论与实证研究,厘清社会治安服务有效供给的内涵及基本要求,分析当前我国社会治安服务供给制度体系形成的内在机理,探索在现有社会经济资源投入条件下实现社会治安服务有效供给的具体路径。 全文共分为六章,各章节的研究思路和基本观点如下: 第一章为导论。本章主要阐述了本文的研究背景及其意义、已有的国内外研究成果、本文的研究内容与研究方法以及创新点和不足之处。 第二章为社会治安服务有效供给的理论分析。本章首先从对公共物品的认识和分析入手,对社会治安服务的内涵、属性等基本范畴进行了分析界定;之后,结合公共物品有效供给的理论分析及社会治安服务本身所具有的诸多特殊性,给出了社会治安服务有效供给的内涵。本文认为,社会治安服务的有效供给是指,在特定的社会经济环境的要求下,通过不同供给机制的交互作用和相互影响形成相应的供给制度安排,使社会治安服务资源的配置和运用都实现帕累托最优,能够最大限度的满足社会公众的治安服务需求、实现社会整体利益最大化的供给。基于这一理解,本文继而提出了社会治安服务有效供给的四项基本原则,即供需均衡、动态改进、超额负担最小及广泛均等原则,并在此基础上给出了衡量社会治安服务“有效性”的相关评价指标。 第三章为当前我国社会治安服务的供给主体及其供给方式。在公众的多元化需求诱导与国家社会治安综合治理方针的政策引导下,当前我国已经形成了由政府、市场和非营利组织共同提供社会治安服务的多元主体供给格局。本章对政府、市场及非营利组织供给社会治安服务的动机、运作机制及供给困境进行了细致分析,指出提升社会治安服务供给的有效性,并不是一个简单地将社会治安服务供给的任务交给政府,还是交给市场或非营利组织的问题,而是如何依据政府、市场与非营利组织有效发挥作用的功能空间,通过分工合作实现优势互补的问题。 第四章为交易费用视角下社会治安服务供给主体结构的优化。从历史发展来看,社会治安服务多元主体供给格局的形成是社会分工的产物,而阻碍分工深化的主要限制性因素则是交易费用。因此,本章综合采用新制度经济学和新兴古典经济学中关于分工和交易费用的理论,对不同供给主体供给社会治安服务的交易费用作了细致分析。分析表明,尽管由市场部门与非营利组织供给部分社会治安服务虽然可以在一定程度上节省外生交易费用,但受我国市场经济体制不完善及其他诸多方面因素的影响,内生交易费用却增加了。也就是说,内外生交易费用之间存在着此消彼长的两难冲突。因此,社会治安服务供给主体结构的优化,其实质就是要根据政府、市场及非营利组织三类供给主体在社会治安服务供给过程中产生的内外生费用的大小,合理的在供给主体之间配置社会治安服务资源。基于这一认识,本章根据社会治安服务内外生交易费用的关键性影响因素,对社会治安服务的具体内容进行了类别细分,并相应地提出了每一类社会治安服务的供给主体的选择方案。 第五章为我国社会治安服务供给现状的实证分析。本章采取问卷调研与典型案例分析的研究方法,以公安派出所的警察服务、住宅小区的物业保安服务、居民自发的义务巡逻服务为研究对象,从微观层面对当前社会治安服务政府供给、市场供给及非营利组织自愿供给三种供给方式的现状进行了实证分析。实证分析表明,无论是政府供给的警察服务还是市场供给的物业保安服务都存在着明显的供需差距,社会治安服务供给现状不容乐观。另外,由于依靠政府及市场部门无法满足人们多元化的社会治安服务需求,在安全需要的驱动下,民间社会治安组织就自然而然的成长起来,成为缓解农村地区社会治安服务供需矛盾的一种有效途径。 第六章为实现我国社会治安服务有效供给的路径选择。本章根据社会治安服务有效供给的基本原则与当前社会治安服务供给的现状,从制度设计层面对社会治安服务有效供给的具体实现路径进行了探讨分析。具体路径为:一是要转变政府治理理念,完善政府供给机制;二是要加强政府监管力度,规范市场竞争秩序;三是要培育社会治安自治组织,充分利用社会资源。 本文的创新之处主要表现在三个方面:一是运用现代经济学的基本研究方法和分析框架,结合国内外现有文献对有效供给问题的理论分析,提出了社会治安服务有效供给的基本标准及具体评价指标体系;二是运用制度经济学的分析工具,将交易费用理论引入社会治安服务有效供给问题的分析中,对政府、市场及非营利组织供给社会治安服务过程中发生的交易费用进行了细致分析,并从社会分工与交易费用角度分析了社会治安服务供给主体结构由一元走向多元的内在作用机理,指出了内外生费用与社会治安服务供给主体选择之间的内在联系;三是在问卷调研的基础上,采用因子分析、结构方程模型等统计分析方法,分析了居民对警察服务、物业保安服务满意度与需求意愿情况。另外,还利用典型案例分析的方法,归纳了民间社会治安组织在社会治安服务领域有效发挥作用的现实条件,填补了国内这一研究领域中缺乏实证分析的不足。 本文的分析,不过是对社会治安服务有效供给问题的一次探索性分析而已。由于本研究内容对作者的理论功底和实践经验要求都很高,受时间、精力水平及本人理论水平等诸多主客观条件限制,论文中仍有很多不足和缺陷。例如,由于相关统计指标数据搜集的客观条件限制,尽管本文在第三章中建立了衡量社会治安服务有效供给的评价指标体系,并没有在此基础上从宏观角度对当前我国社会治安服务供给现状进行评价。另外,探讨提高社会治安服务的供给效率问题,事实上还涉及到许多细致、复杂、精巧的技术问题。例如政府、市场、第三部门在供给社会治安服务中的多重博弈就是一个十分复杂的系统过程,博弈关系格局在不同制度环境下会发生较大变化,进而影响着各供给机制下供给效率的发挥。这应成为笔者在今后的工作和研究中继续努力的一个重要方向。
[Abstract]:Social security service refers to the act of maintaining social order in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations of our country at present. From the economic attribute, social security service belongs to the category of local public goods, with the non exclusiveness, non competition and utility of consumption in a certain space range. In addition, social security services also have some characteristics different from common public goods, such as the wide coverage, and sometimes the means of violent control. Because the government has the capacity of huge financial support and mobilization of social resources, it is also the same. With extensive social representation, the supply of social security services has always been an important part of government governance. The effective supply of social security services is often regarded as the performance of "good governance" by the government. In modern society, a good social security environment can not only effectively improve the survival and life of all the members of the society. Quality, constantly improving the whole social welfare level of the whole society, and can effectively protect the security of private capital, public capital and human capital, and promote the social and economic development of the state and society. Therefore, the good and bad of the social security environment has become an important reference index to measure the level of social and economic development of a country (or region). Before the transition of the economic system and the special historical period of social transformation, the international and domestic public security environment is very complicated. How to deal with the demand of public security services in the complex public security environment and create a stable and orderly social security environment is a realistic subject worthy of our deep thought.
Obviously, in the short term, the cost input of government or civil society organizations to social security services is often relatively fixed, or that the speed of economic growth is growing at a fixed rate. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to make a theoretical and Empirical Study on the effective supply of social security services and to clarify the social security service. The connotation and basic requirements of effective supply are analyzed, and the internal mechanism of the formation of the current social security service supply system is analyzed, and the concrete path to realize the effective supply of social security services under the existing social and economic resources is explored.
The full text is divided into six chapters. The research ideas and basic points of each chapter are as follows:
The first chapter is the introduction. This chapter mainly expounds the background and significance of the research, the existing research results at home and abroad, the content and methods of this study, and the innovation and shortcomings.
The second chapter is the theoretical analysis of the effective supply of social security services. This chapter begins with the understanding and analysis of public goods, and analyzes and defines the basic categories of the connotation and properties of social security services; after that, it combines the theoretical analysis of the effective supply of public goods and the many particularity of the social security service itself. This article holds that the effective supply of social security services refers to the formation of the corresponding supply system arrangement through the interaction and interaction of different supply mechanisms under the requirements of a specific social and economic environment, so that the allocation and application of social security service resources can be realized to the best of Pareto. Based on this understanding, the four basic principles of the effective supply of social security services, namely supply and demand equilibrium, dynamic improvement, the minimum excess burden and the broad equality principle, are given on the basis of this basis. Relevant indicators of the effectiveness of social security services.
The third chapter is the main supply and supply mode of the current social security service in China. Under the guidance of the public's diversified demand induction and the policy of the comprehensive governance of the state social security, our country has formed a multi subject supply pattern that the government, the market and the non-profit organizations jointly provide the social security services. The motive, the operating mechanism and the supply dilemma of the government, the market and the non-profit organizations have been carefully analyzed. It is pointed out that the effectiveness of improving the supply of social security services is not a simple task of giving the service to the government, or to the market or non-profit organization, but on the basis of how it is based. The government, the market and the non-profit organizations play an effective role in the functional space, and achieve complementary advantages through division of labor and cooperation.
The fourth chapter is the optimization of the main structure of the social security service supply from the perspective of transaction costs. From the historical point of view, the formation of the multi subject supply pattern of the social security service is the product of the social division of labor, while the main restrictive factor which hinders the deepening of the division of labor is the transaction cost. Therefore, this chapter combines the new institutional economics and the new classicism. In economics, the theory of division of labor and transaction costs is analyzed in detail. The analysis shows that although the market departments and non-profit organizations supply part of the social security service, although the market departments and non-profit organizations can save the transaction costs to some extent, it is not subject to the market economy system in China. In other words, the cost of endogenous transaction costs increased. That is to say, there is a dilemma between the internal and external transaction costs. Therefore, the optimization of the structure of the main body of the supply of public security services is to serve the public security services in accordance with the three types of government, market and non-profit organizations. On the basis of this understanding, this chapter subdivides the specific content of social security services according to the key factors affecting the internal and external transaction costs of social security services, and puts forward each category of society accordingly. The choice of the main body of the supply of public security services.
The fifth chapter is an empirical analysis of the current situation of social security service supply in China. This chapter adopts the research method of questionnaire survey and typical case analysis, taking police service of public security police station, property security service of residential district, voluntary patrol service of residents as the research object, and serving the government from the micro level to serve the government from the current social security. The empirical analysis shows that there is a clear gap between supply and demand in both the police service provided by the government or the property security services provided by the market, and the present situation of the social security service supply is not optimistic. In addition, it depends on the government and the market department. The door can not meet the needs of the people's diversified social security services. Under the drive of the security needs, the civil society public security organizations have grown up naturally and become an effective way to alleviate the contradiction between the supply and demand of social security services in the rural areas.
The sixth chapter is to choose the way to realize the effective supply of social security service in China. According to the basic principles of effective supply of social security services and the present situation of the current social security service supply, this chapter discusses and analyzes the concrete realization path of the effective supply of social security services from the system design level. Change government governance concept, improve the government supply mechanism; two is to strengthen government supervision and regulation of market competition order; three is to cultivate social security self-government organizations, fully use social resources.
The innovation of this article is mainly manifested in three aspects: first, using the basic research methods and analytical frameworks of modern economics, combining the theoretical analysis of the existing literature at home and abroad on the issue of effective supply, the basic standards of effective supply of social security services and the specific evaluation index system are put forward; and the two is the analysis of the use of institutional economics. By introducing the transaction cost theory into the analysis of the effective supply of social security services, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the transaction costs of the government, market and non-profit organizations in the process of providing social security services, and analyzes the main structure of the main body of social security services from the perspective of social division of labor and transaction costs. The intrinsic relationship between the internal and external expenses and the choice of the public security service provider is pointed out. Three, on the basis of the questionnaire survey, we use factor analysis, structural equation model and other statistical analysis methods to analyze the residents' service to the police, the satisfaction of the property security service and the desire of the demand. The method of typical case analysis summarizes the practical conditions of the effective role of civil society public security organizations in the field of social security services, and fills the lack of empirical analysis in this field of domestic research.
The analysis of this paper is only an exploratory analysis of the problem of effective supply of social security services. Because the content of this research is very high on the author's theoretical foundation and practical experience, the thesis is limited by many subjective and objective conditions, such as time, energy level and theory level. In the third chapter, the evaluation index system for evaluating the effective supply of social security services is set up in this paper, and on the basis of this, the present situation of social security service supply in China is evaluated on the basis of the macro perspective. In fact, many detailed, complex and exquisite technical problems are involved. For example, the multiple game of government, market and third departments in the supply of social security services is a very complicated system process. The game relationship pattern will change greatly in different institutional environment, and then affect the supply efficiency under the supply mechanism. This should be an important direction for the author to continue his efforts in the future work and research.



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1 周阳;新公共服务理论视阈下的城市社区治安服务研究[D];福建师范大学;2011年




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